
A modular drop-in admin cms package for your Laravel 5 projects





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0.0.43b 2017-10-04 17:00 UTC


A Drop-in Admin CMS Package for Your Laravel 5 Projects.

Bento Box


Bentobox Pre-Alpha Testing Setup Instructions

  1. Create a new laravel project laravel new TestBentobox and cd into the dir
  2. Install the latest dev package: composer require bentobox/core dev-master
  3. Update config/app.php providers array to include Skyrkt\Bentobox\Providers\BentoboxProvider::class,
  4. Create SQlite DB to test with touch database/database.sqlite
  5. Set .env file to use sqlite instead of mysql. Remove DB_DATABSE, DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD from file
  6. Run php artisan migrate to migrate the default migrations as well as Bentobox media table.
  7. Run 'php artisan make:auth' to set up Laravel's default Auth path
  8. Run php artisan vendor:publish --tag=config --tag=public --tag=icon --tag=views to access the configs in your config directory and publish the styles, icons and views.
  9. Fire up php artisan serve and create an account, the default admin panel can be located at the /admin route.
  10. From here, try adding new migrations and models. config/bentobox.php and vendor/skyrkt/bentobox/src/bentobox/models/BentoboxModel.php contain instruction on how you can manage your model in the CMS.