
Higher order factories for PHP.

v1.0.1 2018-04-05 12:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-29 05:01:55 UTC


Latest Version Software License Build Status StyleCI

This package provides a declarative higher order syntax for implementing the factory pattern.

use function Skollro\Factory\make;

class VehicleFactory
    public static function make($type)
        return make($type)
            ->resolve('car', Car::class)
            ->resolve('bike', Bike::class)
                'truck' => Truck::class,
                'bus' => Bus::class,

$car = VehicleFactory::make('car'); // returns instance of Car
$truck = VehicleFactory::make('truck'); // returns instance of Truck
$motorcycle = VehicleFactory::make('motorcycle') // throws InvalidArgumentException


You can install this package via composer:

composer require skollro/factory


Every make consists out of one or multiple resolve and one otherwise to provide values for each path.

make($type): Factory

This package provides a helper function make.

use Skollro\Factory\Factory;
use function Skollro\Factory\make;

$factory = make($type);
$factory = Factory::make($type);

resolve($type, $resolvable = null): Factory

$type is the identifier of an instance. $type also accepts an associative array which maps identifiers to class names. $resolvable can be some class name or a callable that returns an instance.

$object = make('bike')
    ->resolve('car', Car::class)
    ->resolve('bike', function () {
        return new Bike;
    ->resolve('bike', MountainBike::class) // this is not the first match and thus not the result
        'truck' => Truck::class,
        'bus' => Bus::class,

// $object is an instance of Bike


$resolvable is some class name or a callable that returns an instance. Supplies the default instance if no resolve has matched before.

$object = make('motorcycle')
        'car' => Car::class,
        'bike' => Bike::class,

// $object is an instance of Vehicle

$object = make('motorcycle')
        'car' => Car::class,
        'bike' => Bike::class,
    ->otherwise(function () {
        return new Vehicle;

// $object is an instance of Vehicle


$resolvable is some exception class name or a callable that returns an exception. Throws an exception if no resolve has matched before.

$object = make('motorcycle')
        'car' => Car::class,
        'bike' => Bike::class,

// throws an InvalidArgumentException


resolveUsing is a static method of Factory. You can use a custom resolver to resolve an instance from a class name, e.g. a dependency injection container. If no resolver is set, an instance of the requested class is created with new.

Integration with Laravel
// in your AppServiceProvider
Factory::resolveUsing(function ($className) {
    return app($className);

// in your code
$object = make('car')
    ->resolve('car', Car::class)

// $object is an instance of Car, resolved by Laravel container


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.