
Customizable Laravel stubs

v0.1 2016-11-19 17:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 22:26:16 UTC


This package allows for editing of stub templates, stub groups (to switch in and out of stub templates), and generating resourceful stubs (i.e., route, controller, model, views, model factory, migration, seeder, and test) with one command.

The center of SiegeLi is the resource and the mvc command. It generates all the boilerplate for resourceful interaction (CRUD) and persisting that resource to your database.

Requires Laravel 5.


Require the package into your project.

Add the service provider to your providers array in config/app.php:

// Package Providers


Publish the package: artisan vendor:publish. This will add a stubs directory to your resources directory, and a configuration file called stubs.php in your config directory.

SiegeLi will work even if you don't publish the package. However, you will not be able to customize templates or configure the package for your project. But if you need to get up and running quickly on a standard Laravel install, you can skip this step.


If you're using a standard Laravel 5.3 file structure, SiegeLi should work out of the box. However, if anything is non-standard or you're using an older version of Laravel, edit the config/stubs.php to reflect this. Specifically, you may need to indicate the path to your controllers or routes file.



For the resource name, it is best to use snake_case or spinal-case. The name will be converted to accepted standards (e.g., model name in StudlyCase).

  • artisan siege:m {resource-name} -m|--migration -s|--seeder -f|--factory: make a model
  • artisan siege:v {resource-name} {view}: make view (e.g., index, create, etc.) for a resource
  • artisan siege:c {resource-name} -r|--route: make a controller for a resource
  • artisan siege:t {resource-name}: make a test for a resource
  • artisan siege:mvc {resource-name}: make resourceful MVC items (model, views, controller, routes, model factor, migration, database seeder, tests)
Command options

For each of the above commands, you can also pass the following optional parameters:

  • -o|--options=: stub template groups to include when generating stubs. See below on stub blocks.
  • -a|--all: include all optional resources (e.g., a model would also include migration, seeder, and factor) and optional template groups
  • -g|group: use a certain stub template group (see below on groups)

Stub Templates

When you publish the package, you will have a stubs folder in your resources directory. You can edit these at will.

Stub Syntax

Stubs use a simple syntax for populating variables and include/excluding template blocks.

Stub Variables

Variables are wrapped in double curly braces, without spaces, and without dollar sign.

use {{namespace}}\User;

The following stub variables are available for use in any template:

  • 'resource': raw resource name (the name you passed in when using the command)
  • 'namespace': application namespace
  • 'model': model name
  • 'model_camel': model name in camel case
  • 'primary_key': column name for the primary key
  • 'class_name': class name, e.g., "ResourceController" when making a controller
  • 'slug': resource slug
  • 'table': resource table name
Stub Blocks

Stub template blocks are between <<<block-name and >>>. Blocks can be included or excluded conditionally using -o|--option parameter. For instance, running a stub command with -o siege on the following would include all siege blocks and exclude all !siege blocks:

protected function thisWillBeIncluded()

protected function thisWillBeExcluded()

You can also pass the -a|--all option to include all optional template blocks.

Stub Groups

Groups provide a convenient way switch between stub templates given the needs of your project or individual preferences.

Generate a stub group with the command artisan siege:group {group_name}. For example, artisan siege:group test will create a directory resources/stubs/test populated with stubs. If you want to use another group as the base for this new stub group, add the -f|--from option.

You then will need to add the stub group to config/stubs.php file.

	'siege' => 'base/',
	'test-group' => 'test/'

Now you can use the name test-group to access all of the stubs in the test directory.

You can set a default template group in config/stubs.php or indicate which group by passing a group name with the -g|--group option, like so:

php artisan siege:mvc Test -g test-group