
Registry of VAT payers

v1.1.0 2019-11-27 09:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 22:31:59 UTC


List of entities registered as VAT payers, unregistered, as well as deleted and restored to the VAT register.

The next step will be handling a flat file in which information about NIP-bank account pairs is to be provided. The Ministry has not yet provided the location of such a file.

More on


Search methods

The ministry imposed a limit of 10 questions per day on single IP.

nip method

Searching for a single entity by tax identification number


use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Params\NIP;
use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Search;
try {
    $s = new Search();
    $r = $s->nip(new NIP('0000000000'));
    // $r is a EntityItem instance  
} catch (Exception $e){
    // $e is a Exception instance

nips method

Searching for entities by tax identification numbers


use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Params\NIP;
use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Search;

try {
    $s = new Search();
    $r = $s->nips(new NIP(['0000000000', '1111111111'])); // max 30 numbers
    // $r is a EntityList instance  
} catch (Exception $e){
    // $e is a Exception instance

regon method

Searching for a single entity by REGON number


use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Params\REGON;
use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Search;

try {
    $s = new Search();
    $r = $s->regon(new REGON('000000000')); // 9 or 14 digits REGON
    // $r is a EntityItem instance  
} catch (Exception $e){
    // $e is a Exception instance

regons method

Searching for entities by REGON numbers


use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Params\REGON;
use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Search;

try {
    $s = new Search();
    $r = $s->regons(new REGON(['000000000', '11111111111111'])); // 9 or 14 digits REGONs, max 30 numbers
    // $r is a EntityList instance  
} catch (Exception $e){
    // $e is a Exception instance

bankAccount method

Searching for entities by bank account number


use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Params\NRB;
use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Search;

try {
    $s = new Search();
    $r = $s->bankAccount(new NRB('00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000')); // 26 digits polish bank account number
    // $r is a EntityList instance  
} catch (Exception $e){
    // $e is a Exception instance

bankAccounts method

Searching for entities by bank account numbers


use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Params\NRB;
use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Search;

try {
    $s = new Search();
    $r = $s->bankAccounts(new NRB(['00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000', '12345678901234567890123456'])); // max 30 numbers
    // $r is a EntityList instance  
} catch (Exception $e){
    // $e is a Exception instance

Check methods

The ministry imposed a limit of 1 question per day on IP.

nip method

Single entity check by NIP and bank account number


use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Params\NIP;
use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Params\NRB;
use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Check;

try {
    $c = new Check();
    $r = $c->nip(new NIP('0000000000'), new NRB('00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000'));
    // $r is a EntityCheck instance  
} catch (Exception $e){
    // $e is a Exception instance

regon method

Single entity check by REGON and bank account number


use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Params\REGON;
use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Params\NRB;
use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Check;
use SJRoyd\MF\VATPayers\Exception;

try {
    $c = new Check();
    $r = $c->regon(new REGON('000000000'), new NRB('00 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000'));
    // $r is a EntityCheck instance 
} catch (Exception $e){
    // $e is a Exception instance



Contains methods:

  • getSubjects(): array[Entity] - A list of Entity instances
  • getRequestId(): string - Eequest id, ex. 9mll9-85feng0


Contains methods:

  • getSubject(): Entity - An Entity instance
  • getRequestId(): string - Eequest id, ex. 9mll9-85feng0


Contains methods:

  • getAccountAssigned(): boolean - Is the account assigned to the active entity
  • getRequestId(): string - Eequest id, ex. 9mll9-85feng0



Contains methods:

  • getName(): string - Company (name) or name and surname
  • getNip(): string - (optional) NIP identification number
  • getStatusVat(): string - (optional) VAT payer status; Enum: Czynny, Zwolniony, Niezarejestrowany
  • getRegon(): string - (optional) REGON identification number
  • getPesel(): string - (optional) PESEL identification number
  • getKrs(): string - (optional) KRS number if issued
  • getResidenceAddress(): string - (optional) HQ adress
  • getWorkingAddress(): string - (optional) Permanent establishment address or residence address in the absence of a permanent address
  • getRepresentatives(): array[EntityPerson] - (optional) Names and surnames of the members of the body authorized to represent the entity and their NIP and/or PESEL numbers
  • getAuthorizedClerks(): array[EntityPerson] - (optional) First and last names of proxies and their NIP and/or PESEL numbers
  • getPartners(): array[EntityPerson] - (optional) First and last names or company (name) of the partner and his NIP and/or PESEL numbers
  • getRegistrationLegalDate(): DateTime - (optional) Date of registration as a VAT payer
  • getRegistrationDenialDate(): DateTime - (optional) Date of refusal to register as a VAT payer
  • getRegistrationDenialBasis(): string - (optional) Legal basis for refusal of registration
  • getRestorationDate(): DateTime - (optional) Date of restoration as a VAT payer
  • getRestorationBasis(): string - (optional) Legal basis for the restoration as a VAT payer
  • getRemovalDate(): DateTime - (optional) Date of deletion of refusal to register as a VAT payer
  • getRemovalBasis(): string - (optional) Legal basis for the restoration as a VAT payer
  • getAccountNumbers(): array[string] - (optional) A list of bank accounts numbers
  • getHasVirtualAccounts(): boolean - (optional) The entity has virtual account masks
  • isVatActive(): boolean - Is the taxpayer active?
  • isVatExempt(): boolean - Is the taxpayer exempt?
  • isVatUnregistered(): boolean - Is the taxpayer unregistered?


Contains methods:

  • getCompanyName() - (optional)
  • getFirstName() - (optional)
  • getLastName() - (optional)
  • getNip() - (optional)
  • getPesel() - (optional)


Exception instance

An instance extends PHP Exception and inherits all of the parent methods.


  • getMessage(): string - error message
  • getCode(): string - example: WL-101