
RainLab User Conditions Integration

1.0.6 2024-05-24 16:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-24 16:31:43 UTC


Integrates Conditions with RainLab User plugin. Adds a new User and User group conditioners to the Conditions editor. Refer to the Conditions Editor for more information on Conditions.


Install via composer

composer require sixgweb/conditionsusers-plugin

Adding User or User Group Condition

Press the New Condition button to open the condition type selector and select the type of conditioner you want.

::: warning NOTE Condition types can only be added once. Attempting to add the condition type multiple times, will throw a warning :::

User Group Conditions

Condition Logic

The logic used when matching conditions. Includes will match the checked user groups checked. Exclude will match the unchecked user groups.


Include users without a user group in the condition logic.

User Group

The user groups to check against the condition logic.

User Conditions

Condition Logic

The logic used when matching conditions. Includes will match users added to the user repeater. Exclude will match users not added to the user repeater.


Include visitors (not logged in) in the condition logic.

Using Exclude logic with this checked would exclude visitors. Using Include logic with this checked will include visitors.


The users to check against the condition logic. Press the Add User button to add multiple users.