
tcpdf support for laravel 5

5.5.3 2018-03-05 05:03 UTC


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A simple Laravel 5 service provider with some basic configuration for including the TCPDF library

Note: The Package code is changed to avoid the confusion, this repository is a replacement to the old one

Note: The versions are now as laravel 5.x

TCPDF is not really supported in PHP 7 but there's a plan for supporting it, check this out.


The Laravel TCPDF service provider can be installed via composer by requiring the elibyy/tcpdf-laravel package in your project's composer.json. (The installation may take a while, because the package requires TCPDF. Sadly its .git folder is very heavy)

Laravel 5.5+ will use the auto-discovery function.

    "require": {
        "elibyy/tcpdf-laravel": "5.6.*"

If you don't use auto-discovery you will need to include the service provider / facade in config/app.php.

'providers' => [


'aliases' => [
	'PDF' => Elibyy\TCPDF\Facades\TCPDF::class

for lumen you should add the following lines:

class_alias(Elibyy\TCPDF\Facades\TCPDF::class, 'PDF');

That's it! You're good to go.

Here is a little example:

use PDF; // at the top of the file

	PDF::SetTitle('Hello World');
	PDF::Write(0, 'Hello World');

another example for generating multiple PDF's

use PDF; // at the top of the file
	for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
		PDF::SetTitle('Hello World'.$i);
		PDF::Write(0, 'Hello World'.$i);
		PDF::Output(public_path('hello_world' . $i . '.pdf'), 'F');

For a list of all available function take a look at the TCPDF Documentation


Laravel-TCPDF comes with some basic configuration. If you want to override the defaults, you can publish the config, like so:

php artisan vendor:publish

Now access config/tcpdf.php to customize.

Header/Footer helpers

I've got a pull-request asking for this so I've added the feature

now you can use PDF::setHeaderCallback(function($pdf){}) or PDF::setFooterCallback(function($pdf){})