sinri / ark-websocket
Ark WebSocket Component
2021-07-29 08:20 UTC
- sinri/ark-core: ~2.7
- ext-sockets: *
Design your own class extending ArkWebSocketWorker and Daemon
You need to design three actions when
- a new connection comes
- a new message comes
- an existed connection closed
You need to do unmask, mask and broadcast yourself inside.
Then you have to write a daemon to run in CLI mode.
You can take test
as an example.
Set up your daemon
Your websocket server should listen on a port, and use a domain and path to be entrance for the frontend and the Load Balancer.
For example, your daemon, a file called daemon.php
which runs loop
method of ArkWebSocketDaemon
, listens to 8000, your pages held by Nginx listens to 80,
your domain uses
, and your path would be wss://
Your steps:
- Deploy your site, use Nginx or so, listen on 80 or so.
- Run your daemon.php as
php -q daemon.php
, listen on 8000 or so; you may want to usenohup
if you need. - Now config your SLB (80 or 443), when domain is
- while the path is
, send packages to 8000; - otherwise, to 80;
- while the path is