
Small utility class to help you create symlinks

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dev-master 2020-05-15 01:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-17 21:48:51 UTC


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Symlink Helper

This package allows you to easily and quickly generate symlinks of any given files and or directories.

  • Ensure you have and are running PHP 7 and above

  • Fully Objected Oriented

  • Chained methods

  • Interactive API

Getting Started

1. Install

Run the following command:

composer require simtabi/symlink

2. Use case scenarios.

If you want to use within a class/project, install the project via composer and user as follows:

use Simtabi\Symlink; 

$symlinkInit = new Symlink();
$obj = $symlinkInit->setBatchJobs([
            'destination' => 'path_to_destination/folder_name_1',
            'source'      => 'path_to_create_file/folder_name',
           'destination' => 'path_to_destination/folder_name_1',
           'source'      => 'path_to_create_file/folder_name',

1. Create multiple symlinks at ago.

In this use-case, you have to provide an array list of the path to the file/link to be created a symlink for and the destination path and file alias name. To achieve this, use the following method.

// sources here
   'destination' => 'path_to_destination/folder_name_1',
   'source'      => 'path_to_create_file/folder_name',

2. Create a single symlink at ago.

In this use-case, you have to provide an array list of the path to the file/link to be created a symlink for and the destination path and file alias name. To achieve this, use the following method.

 ->setSource( 'source')->setDestination('destination');

3. Using it.

If you want to use within a file and you don't need composer setup, I have initialized a composer autoload for you and all you have to do is require/include the composer autoload file within the location where you want to use it. In this case we assume: include_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; See included test.php file for more examples.

include_once 'symlink/src/Symlink.php';
use Simtabi\Symlink;

$symlinkInit = new Symlink();
       ->setSource( 'source')

3. API Methods

These are the available methods.


->setSource($source) // define source path
->setDestination($destination) // define destination path
->setGenerated(string $generated, $key) // capture and store all registered links
->setMessages(string $messages, $key) // capture and store all error messages
->setBatchJobs(array $batchJobs) // define multiple symlinks to be created


->getSource() // get source path
->getDestination() // get destination path
->getGenerated() // get all stored registered links
->getMessages() // get all stored error messages
->getBatchJobs() // get all symlinks to be created


When the $echo is set to TRUE, it will output the error messages to the screen.

->generate($echo = true) // generate method. 


Please see Releases for more information what has changed recently.


Pull requests are more than welcome. You must follow the PSR coding standards.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



© 2020 Simtabi, LLC


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.