
Console application. Built from Symfony/Console in Laravel style.

1.0.0 2024-04-04 02:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-04 03:03:19 UTC


A console application, built from Symfony/Console


composer require simsoft/console

Basic Usage

Setup in bootstrap or entry script file.

require "vendor/autoload.php";

use Simsoft\Console\Application;

$status = Application::make()


Create a Simple Command

Create a simple HelloWorldCommand class.


namespace App;

use Simsoft\Console\Command;

class HelloWorldCommand extends Command
    static string $name = 'screen:welcome';
    static string $description = 'Hi Guest';
    protected bool $lockable = true; // Enable lock. Default: false.

    protected function handle(): void
        $this->info('Hello World');

Add Console Arguments and Options

For detail tutorial, please refer to Symfony Console: Console Input (Arguments & Options).


namespace App;

use Simsoft\Console\Command;

class HelloWorldCommand extends Command
    static string $name = 'screen:welcome';
    static string $description = 'Hi Guest';
    protected bool $lockable = true; // Enable lock. Default: false.

    protected function init(): void
            // Add arguments
            ->addArgument('name', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Who do you want to greet?')
            ->addArgument('last_name', InputArgument::OPTIONAL, 'Your last name?')

            // Add option
                'How many times should the message be printed?',

    protected function handle(): void
        // get arguments and options.
        $name = $this->argument('name');
        $lastName = $this->argument('last_name');
        $iterations = $this->option('iterations');

        $arguments = $this->arguments();
        // $arguments contains ['name' => '..user input.. ', 'last_name' => '...']

        $options = $this->options();
        // $options contains ['iterations' => '..user input.. ']

        for($i = 0; $i < $iterations; ++$i) {

        $this->error('Display error message');

Closure Command

Example Usage

require "vendor/autoload.php";

use Simsoft\Console\Application;

Application::command('example:closure:command', function() {
    $this->info('Hello World!');

$status = Application::make()->run();

Define closure command with description.

Application::command('example:closure:command', function() {
    $this->info('Hello World!');
})->purpose('Simple closure command');

Define closure command with inputs.

use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;

Application::command('example:closure:command2', function() {
    $name = $this->argument('name');
    $this->info("I got your name: $name");
->purpose('Get user name')
    $this->addArgument('name', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'Name required');

Writing Output

 * @throws \Throwable
protected function handle(): void
    $this->info('Hello World');         // Write info message
    $this->comment('Comment text');
    $this->question('My Question?');
    $this->error('Warning');            // Write error message
    $this->line('Simple line');         // Write simple un-formatted message
    $this->errorBlock('Block Header', 'Block message');
    $this->newLine();                   // Write a single blank line
    $this->newLine(3);                  // Write three blank lines

Prompting for Input

 * @throws \Throwable
protected function handle(): void
    // Simple question
    // Other argument: $default.
    $name = $this->ask('What is your name?');
    $this->info("Your name is $name");

    // Hide user input question
    // Other argument: $default
    $secret = $this->secret('Please tell me a secret?');
    $this->info("Your secret is $secret");

    // Asking for confirmation.
    // Other argument: $default.
    if ($this->confirm('Are you above 18yo (y/n)?')) {
        $this->info('You have grow up!');
    } else {
        $this->info("You are very young!");

    // Multiple choice questions.
    // Other arguments: $defaultIndex, $maxAttempts, $allowMultipleSelections.
    $myChoice = $this->choice('Which color do you like?', ['Yellow', 'Orange', 'Blue']);
    $this->info("You have selected $myChoice");

Table and Progress Bar


protected function handle(): void
        ['Place', 'Name', 'Score'],
            [1, 'Albert', '100'],
            [2, 'Jane', '98'],
            [3, 'Alvin', '95'],
            [4, 'Mary', '89'],
            [5, 'Alex', '88'],
            [6, 'Wong', '87'],

Progress Bar

protected function handle(): void
    $items = range(1, 10);

    $this->withProgressBar($items, function($item) {
        // perform task on $item.

Customize Progress Bar

protected function handle(): void
    $max = 20; // Maximum items.

    $bar = $this->createProgressBar($max);


    for ($i = 1; $i <= $max; ++$i) {
        // do something.


Calling Commands From Other Commands

protected function handle(): void
    // Call another command.
    $this->call('example:friendly', [
        'name' => 'Jane',
        '--age' => 18,

    // Call another commands silently.
    $this->callSilently('example:friendly', [
        'name' => 'John',
        '--age' => 28,

Calling Commands From Controller

Register commands in bootstrap index.php

require_once dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Simsoft\Console\Application;


Application::command('example:closure:command', function() {
    $this->info('Hello World!');
})->purpose('Simple closure command');

Application::command('example:closure:command2', function() {
    $name = $this->argument('name');
    $this->info("I got your name: $name");

    $age = $this->option('age');
    $this->info("Your age is $age");

})->purpose('Get user name')->input(function(){
    $this->addArgument('name', InputArgument::REQUIRED);

Execute command


namespace App;

use Simsoft\Console\Application;

class AppController
    public function index(): void
        Application::call('example:closure:command2', [
            'name' => 'Marry',
            '--age' => 25,


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