Library to manage HTTP status codes and their descriptions.

1.0.0 2024-06-21 19:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-21 20:10:30 UTC


This library provides a comprehensive list of HTTP status codes, their texts, and descriptions, as well as utility methods for working with HTTP status codes.


Use composer to install the library:

composer require simplicer/http


Accessing Status Codes

You can access status codes directly using the provided constants:

use Simplicer\Http\Status\Code;

echo Code::OK; // Outputs: 200

Accessing Status Texts

Use the getText method to get the text representation of a status code:

echo Code::getText(Code::OK); // Outputs: "OK"

Accessing Status Descriptions

Use the getDescription method to get a description of a status code:

echo Code::getDescription(Code::OK); // Outputs: "The request was successfully processed."

Accessing Status Headers

Use the getStatusHeader method to get a formatted status header:

echo Code::getStatusHeader(Code::OK); // Outputs: "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"

Validating Status Codes

Use the isValidStatusCode method to check if a status code is valid:

var_dump(Code::isValidStatusCode(200)); // Outputs: bool(true)
var_dump(Code::isValidStatusCode(999)); // Outputs: bool(false)

Grouping Status Codes by Category

You can get status codes grouped by their categories:

$statusCodesByCategory = Code::getStatusCodesByCategory();

Calling Status Codes as Methods

You can call status codes as methods directly:

echo Code::OK(); // Outputs: 200

Handling Invalid Status Code Exceptions

This library throws an InvalidStatusCodeException when an invalid HTTP status code is encountered. You can catch and handle this exception in your code as follows:

use Simplicer\Http\Status\Code;
use Simplicer\Http\Status\InvalidStatusCodeException;

try {
    $statusCode = Code::INVALID_STATUS_CODE_CONSTANT();
} catch (InvalidStatusCodeException $e) {
    echo "Caught exception: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
    echo "Invalid status code: " . $e->getStatusCode() . "\n";

More information

You can check the PHPDoc autogenerated technical documentation in markdown on /doc directory.


Antonio VillamarĂ­n


This library is licensed under the GPLv3 License.