
AssetPackages is ZF2 module for including JS and CSS assets based on configuration

dev-master 2014-05-27 06:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-14 16:14:23 UTC


Version 0.0.1


AssetPackages ZF2 module represents a little bit more abstract approach to including CSS and JS in your templates. Normally if you want to include bootstrap or some other custom library usually you need to include both CSS and JS files. You might do this like that:

<?php echo $this->headLink()
                ->appendStylesheet('/assets/custom-module/file-2.css') ?>

<?php echo $this->inlineScript()
                ->appendFile('/assets/custom-module/file-3.js') ?>

After enabling AssetPackages module you can include whole libraries using new assetPackage view helper:

<?php $this->assetPackage()->append('bootstrap')
                           ->append('custom-lib') ?>

Given right configuration, above code will include both CSS and JS files for selected libraries in correct order. As with standard ZF2 view helpers you can influence order of included assets using either append and prepend methods.

<?php $this->assetPackage()->append('custom-lib')
                           ->prepend('jquery') ?>

Using configuration you can decide wheather script tags should be included in head section or as inline script tags within body. Internally assetPackage view helper works as wrapper for headLink, headScript and inlineScript helpers so you can use those as well at the same time without any problems. At the end - probably in your layout - you should render tags in standard way:

<?php echo $this->headLink() ?>
<?php echo $this->headScript() ?>
<?php echo $this->inlineScript() ?>


If you are using composer you can install it by adding line to your composer.json

"simplercode/asset-packages": "dev-master@dev"


  1. Enable AssetPackages module in your application.config.php

  2. In any config file you can configure yout libraries, for ex:

        'asset_packages' => array(
            'packages' => array(
                'bootstrap' => array(
                    'styles' => '/assets/area42/vendor/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css',
                    'scripts' =>'/assets/area42/vendor/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js'
                'custom-lib' => array(
                    'styles' => array(
                    'scripts' => array(
  3. Next you can include whole libraries in your template or partial using assetPackage helper:

    <?php $this->assetPackage()->append('custom-lib')
  4. In your layout remember to use native view helpers to actually render tags:

    <?php echo $this->headLink() ?>
    <?php echo $this->inlineScript() ?>
  5. Optionally if you don't like name of assetPackage view helper you can change it by configuring alias:

    'view_helpers' => array(
        'aliases' => array(
            'asset' => 'assetPackage'

    Then you can use it like this:

    <?php $this->asset()->append('jquery')

Including scripts in head or within body

There is also scripts_placement flag that lets you decide where scripts should be added. This flag receives values: inline or head (default is: inline).

    'asset_packages' => array(
        'scripts_placement' => "head" // set value for all packages
        'packages' => array(
            'custom-library' => array(
                'scripts_placement' => "inline" // set value for all scripts within "custom-library" package
                'scripts' => ...

You can also assign some scripts to head and some to inline within one package using following syntax:

    'asset_packages' => array(
        'packages' => array(
            'custom-library' => array(
                'scripts' => array(
                    'head' => array(
                    'inline' => array(

Using it together with AssetManager

This module operates only in view layer. It's role is to map your asset's library name to one or few different paths - and then include those paths using native ZF2 view helpers. Because of that there are no problems with using it together with AssetManager module (which takes care of serving and caching aliases after receiving HTTP request).

It's easy to load different asset_packages mapping configuration depending on your current environment using method described here. That way you have ability to load diffrent versions of your assets depending on your configuration - without changing your templates at all.

Its worth to mention that native view helpers take care of duplicate imports of scripts and styles so you don't have to worry about importing same files twice.

What is more AssetPackages module should also work fairly well with AssetAliases module too.