
Validate shallowly and recursively (elements of object/array).

2.5.1 2019-07-08 10:55 UTC


Validate almost any kind of PHP data structure.

Simple shallow validation

Test a variable against one of Validates 60+ rule methods

  • is it of a particular type or class?
  • does it's value match a pattern?
  • is it emptyish?
  • a container (array|object|traversable)?
  • a numerically indexed array?

Test against a set of rules

A validation rule set is a list of rules (Validate methods)
– in effect you can combine all the above questions into a single questions.

You can also declare that "well if it isn't an [object|string|whatever], then null|false|0 will do just fine".

Validate objects/arrays recursively

Validation rule sets can be nested – indefinitely.
$validate->challenge($subject, $ruleSet) traverses the subject according to the rule set (+ descendant rule sets),
and checks that the subject at any level/position accords with the rules at that level/position.

Record reason(s) for validation failure

$validate->challengeRecording($subject, $ruleSet) memorizes all wrongdoings along the way,
and returns a list of violations (including where detected, and what was wrong).

Example of use

SimpleComplex Http uses validation rule sets to check the body of HTTP (REST) responses.
Rule sets are defined in JSON (readable and portable), and cached as PHP ValidationRuleSets (using SimpleComplex Cache).

Non-rule flags

Multi-dimensional object/array rule sets support a little more than proper validation rules.

  • optional: the bucket is allowed to be missing
  • allowNull: the value is allowed to be null
  • alternativeEnum: list of alternative (scalar|null) values that should make a subject pass,
    even though another rule is violated
  • tableElements: the subject (an object|array) must contain these keys,
    and for every key there's a sub rule set
  • listItems: the subject (an object|array) must be a list consisting of a number of buckets,
    which all have the same type/pattern/structure

alternativeEnum is great for defining "the bucket must be object or null".

tableElements and listItems are allowed to co-exist.
Relevant if you have a – kind of malformed – object that may contain list items as well as non-list elements.
Data originating from XML may easily have that structure (XML stinks ;-)

tableElements sub flags

  • (obj|arr) rulesByElements (required): table of rule sets by keys;
    ~ for every key there's a rule set
  • (bool) exclusive: the object|array must only contain the keys specified by rulesByElements
  • (arr) whitelist: the object|array must – apart from rulesByElements – only contain these keys
  • (arr) blacklist: the object|array must not contain these keys

listItems sub flags

  • (obj|arr) listItems (required): a rule set that every list item must comply to
  • (int) minOccur: there must be at least that many list items
  • (int) maxOccur: guess what


// We wanna see some bicycles...
class Bicycle
    public $wheels = 0;
    public $saddle;
    public $sound = '';
    public $accessories = [];
    public $various;

    public function __construct($wheels, $saddle, $sound, $accessories, $various)
        $this->wheels = $wheels;
        $this->saddle = $saddle;
        $this->sound = $sound;
        $this->accessories = $accessories;
        $this->various = $various;

// Not just any kind of bicycles. They must comply to this rule set:
$rule_set = [
    'class' => [
    'tableElements' => [
        //'exclusive' => true,
        //'whitelist' => ['unspecified_1'],
        //'blacklist' => ['saddle', 'accessories'],
        'rulesByElements' => [
            'wheels' => [
                'range' => [
            'saddle' => [
                'alternativeEnum' => [
                    // Wrongly defined as nested; confused by enum which
                    // formally requires to be nested.
                    // But ValidationRuleSet fixes this, as it does with
                    // the opposite for (un-nested) enum.
            'sound' => [
                'string' => true,
                'enum' => [
                    // Counterintuitive nesting, but formally correct because
                    // the allowed values array is second arg to the enum()
                    // method.
                    // ValidationRuleSet fixes un-nested instance.
            'accessories' => [
                'tableElements' => [
                    'rulesByElements' => [
                        'luggageCarrier' => [
                        'lights' => [
            'various' => [
                // allowNull and alternativeEnum with null
                // are two ways of allowing null.
                'allowNull' => true,
                'alternativeEnum' => [
                'listItems' => [
                    'maxOccur' => 5,
                    'itemRules' => [
                        'alternativeEnum' => [
                            // Correctly defined as un-nested array.
