
The database abstraction library of SPF - Simon's PHP Framework

dev-master 2021-02-06 16:13 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-07 01:09:16 UTC


A simple database abstraction layer that provides a lightweight wrapper around PDO for ease-of-use. It currently supports MySQL, Postgres and SQLite.

Also included are simple query generators and a class for handling a tree structure within a relational database via modified preorder tree traversal.


This library requires only PHP 7.2 or later and the SPF Contracts package (simon-downes/spf-contracts).


It is installable and autoloadable via Composer as simon-downes/spf-database.

Alternatively, download a release or clone this repository, and add the \spf\database namespace to an autoloader.


SPF Database is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license

Quick Start

use spf\database\DSN;
use spf\database\adapters\MySQLConnection;

// create a DSN
$dsn = DSN::fromString('mysql://localhost/mydb');

// create a connection instance
$db = new MySQLConnection($dsn);

// get some data
$user = $db->getAssoc("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = ?", 123);

// update some data
$updated = $db->execute(
    "UPDATE users SET last_seen = :now WHERE id = :id",
        'id'  => 123,
        'now' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),


A DSN is an object that specifies the properties of a database connection.

Common properties are:

  • type - the type of database to connect to (mysql, postgres or sqlite)
  • host - the host to connect to
  • port - the port number to connect on
  • user - the user to authenticate as
  • pass - the user's password
  • db - the name of the database schema to connect to
  • options - an array of driver specific options

DSNs can be created by passing an array of properties to the constructor:

$dsn = new DSN([
	'type' => 'mysql',
	'host' => 'localhost',
	'db'   => 'myapp',

or by calling the static fromString() method with a URI:

$dsn = DSN::fromString('mysql://root:abc123@myapp.db/myapp?charset=utf-8');


The ConnectionManager is a service to handle multiple database connections. A client can register a connection or DSN under a specific name and retrieve the connection at a later time.

When a DSN is registered, a suitable connection object is created automatically.

use spf\database\BaseConnectionManager;
use spf\database\adapters\SQLiteConnection;

// create a ConnectionManager instance
$m = new BaseConnectionManager();

// register a DSN
$m->add('mydb1', 'mysql://localhost/mydb');

// register an existing connection
$db = new SQLiteConnection('sqlite://var/www/myapp/myapp.db');
$m->add('mydb2', $db);

// determine if a connection with the specified name exists
$exists = $m->has('mydb1');

// retrieve a previously added connection
$db = $m->get('mydb1');

// remove a connection from the manager and return it
// NOTE: this does not disconnect the connection
$db = $m->remove('mydb1');

Query Method Reference

 // Execute a query and return the resulting PDO_Statement
$stmt = $db->query($statement, $params = []);

// Execute a query and return the number of affected rows
$rows = $db->execute($statement, $params = []);

// Execute a query and return all matching data as an array of associative arrays of matching rows
// Each row array has column names as keys
$db->getAll($statement, $params = []);

// Execute a query and return all matching data as an associative array,
// the first selected column is used as the array key
$db->getAssoc($statement, $params = []);

// Execute a query and return all matching data as a two-dimensioanl
// associative array, the first two selected columns are used as the array keys
$db->getAssocMulti($statement, $params = []);

// Execute a query and return the first matching row as an associative array
$db->getRow($statement, $params = []);

// Execute a query and return all values of the first selected column as an array
$db->getCol($statement, $params = []);

// Execute a query and return the value of the first column in the first array
$db->getOne($statement, $params = []);

The above methods accept the following parameters:

  • $statement: a PDO_Statement instance or a SQL string
  • $params: an array of parameters to bind to the statement

Query parameters may be bound name:

$user_id = $db->getOne(
    "SELECT id FROM user WHERE type = :type AND name LIKE :name", 
        'type' => 'NORMAL',
        'name' => 'Jim%',

or by position:

$user_id = $db->getOne(
    "SELECT id FROM user WHERE type = ? AND name LIKE ?",
    ['NORMAL', 'Jim%']

If the query has only a single parameter it may be specified directly and will be automatically converted to a positional parameter:

$user_id = $db->getOne("SELECT id FROM user WHERE login = ?", 'jimbob');

Other Methods

// Returns the ID of the last inserted row or sequence value.
$id = $db->insertId($name = '');

// Escape/quote a value for use in a query string
$db->quote($value, $type = \PDO::PARAM_STR);

// Escape/quote an identifier name (table, column, etc)
// Allows reserved words to be used as identifiers.

// Execute a raw SQL string and return the number of affected rows.
// Primarily used for DDL queries


// Begin a transaction

// Commit the current transaction

// Rollback the current transaction

// Determines if a transaction is currently active

Query Generators

OO query generators are available for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE. An instance of each can be created by calling the corresponding method on the DatabaseConnection.



   // accepts true (default) or false as argument

   // comma-separated list or array of column names

   // table to select from

   // append a where clause - column, operator, value
   // multiple calls add additional clauses
   ->where('created', '>=', '2016-01-01')		

   // with two arguments, operator is assumed to be '='
   ->where('id', 123)

   // array of columns to group by
   ->groupBy(['type', 'status'])

   // second parameter specifies ascending (true) or descending (false)
   // multiple calls add additional clauses
   ->orderBy('column', true)

   // return result as associative array
   // can also use the other fetch* methods defined by DatabaseConnection



   // accepts true (default) or false as argument

   // table to insert to

   // item to insert as an associative array of column names/values
       'col1' => 'value1',
       'col2' => 'value1',

   // run the query



   // accepts true (default) or false as argument

   // table to insert to

   // columns to update as an associative array of column names/values
       'col1' => 'value1',
       'col2' => 'value1',

   // same usage as for SELECT
   ->where('id', 123)

   // run the query



   // table to insert to

   // same usage as for SELECT
   ->where('id', 123)

   // run the query