
Collection of functions to present time-related objects

2.4.0+20250209 2025-02-08 07:15 UTC


Set of functions for working with date/time.

How to use

Time Formatting

echo \Simbiat\SandClock::format(1234567890);

will output 2009-02-13 23:31:30.000000

You can format to your liking

echo \Simbiat\SandClock::format(1234567890, 'H:i');

to get 23:31

Seconds to time units left

echo \Simbiat\SandClock::seconds('31536050000829051');

will output 1 aeon 1 millennium 5 centuries 8 decades 5 years 6 months 1 week 1 day 7 hours 10 minutes 52 seconds

You can output the same in 'short' format (without text), for example

echo \Simbiat\SandClock::seconds('31536050000829051', false);

will output 1:1:5:8:5:6:1:1:7:10:52

This function is multilingual and at the moment supports 8 languages: Deutsch (de), English (en), Spanish (es), French (fr), Italian (it), Japanese (jp), Russian (ru), Finnish (fi). You can switch it like this:

echo \Simbiat\SandClock::seconds('31536050000829051', true, 'jp');

will output 1 ion 1 sennenki 5 seiki 8 tōnen 5 toshi 6 tsuki 1 shū 1 hi 7 jikan 10 bun 52 byō

You can also pass iso: true in order to generate the output compliant with ISO 8601 duration format like P51Y8M0W4DT8H20M31S

Timezone conversion

If you want to convert timezone of a timestamp presented as integer, string, \DateTime or \DateTimeImmutable you can make a call like this:

\Simbiat\SandClock::convertTimezone('now', 'Europe/Helsinki', 'UTC')

This will return a respective \DateTime object, which you can then manipulate further. If you originally provide a \DateTime or \DateTimeImmutable object, you can use null for $from (2nd argument), since it will not be used in this case (empty string will throw an exception).