silverstripe/framework Security Advisories for 3.7.7 (10)
[MEDIUM] CVE-2024-53277 - XSS in form messages
PKSA-gr7c-c3q7-zxkd CVE-2024-53277 GHSA-ff6q-3c9c-6cf5
Affected version: <5.3.8
Reported by:
GitHub, FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories -
[MEDIUM] CVE-2024-47605 - XSS via insert media remote file oembed
PKSA-spqx-5bk6-c9yk CVE-2024-47605 GHSA-7cmp-cgg8-4c82
Affected version: <5.3.8
Reported by:
GitHub, FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories -
[LOW] SS-2024-002 - Reflected Cross Site Scripting (XSS) in error message
PKSA-24rt-ffr7-cj1w GHSA-74j9-xhqr-6qv3
Affected version: <5.3.8
Reported by:
GitHub, FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories -
[LOW] SS-2024-001 - TinyMCE allows svg files linked in object tags
PKSA-8tf6-2hv5-c6tq GHSA-mqf3-qpc3-g26q
Affected version: <5.2.16
Reported by:
GitHub, FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories -
[MEDIUM] CVE-2024-32981 - XSS Vulnerability with text/html base64-encoded payload
PKSA-jndv-7cgy-xwm3 CVE-2024-32981 GHSA-chx7-9x8h-r5mg
Affected version: <5.2.16
Reported by:
GitHub, FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories -
[MEDIUM] CVE-2023-48714 Record titles for restricted records can be viewed if exposed by GridFieldAddExistingAutocompleter
PKSA-vcdc-4796-kn58 CVE-2023-48714 GHSA-qm2j-qvq3-j29v
Affected version: >=3.0.0,<4.0.0|>=4.0.0,<4.13.39|>=5.0.0,<5.1.11
Reported by:
GitHub, FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories -
[LOW] CVE-2023-32302 - Members with no password can be created and bypass custom login forms
PKSA-2t2m-vnwy-55q7 CVE-2023-32302 GHSA-36xx-7vf6-7mv3
Affected version: >=3.0.0,<4.13.14|>=5.0.0,<5.0.13
Reported by:
GitHub, FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories -
[MEDIUM] Business Logic Errors in SilverStripe Framework
PKSA-7j38-hj68-r82v CVE-2022-0227 GHSA-32m2-9f76-4gv8
Affected version: <4.10.1
Reported by:
GitHub -
[MEDIUM] CVE-2020-26138 FormField: with square brackets in field name skips validation
PKSA-pq7g-1pwh-dw3n CVE-2020-26138 GHSA-7mv4-4xpg-xq44
Affected version: >=3.0.0,<4.0.0|>=4.0.0,<4.7.4
Reported by:
GitHub, FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories -
[MEDIUM] CVE-2019-12205: Clipboard Reflected XSS
PKSA-89c6-sr3z-fq77 CVE-2019-12205 GHSA-rfvw-5848-gxc5
Affected version: >=3.0.0,<3.9.99|>=4.3.0,<4.3.5|>=4.4.0,<4.4.4
Reported by:
GitHub, FriendsOfPHP/security-advisories