
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the silverbackis/common-js-bundle package instead.

A Symfony 3 Bundle to be used with British Websites creations. Extends Sonata SEO Bundle and provides functionality to configure link tags (for icons) and some common Javascript SDK Inclusions

dev-master 2017-11-23 14:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-05-15 11:18:29 UTC


This bundle extends the very popular Sonata SEO Bundle and provides additional functionality including:

  • Configuring link tags
  • Enabling Javascript SDKs without an additional extension and with some additional configuration options.
  • Converting appropriate meta and link tags to full URLs and respecting the base_urls option set in the configuration file
  • Ability to define multiple meta tags with the same name (for multiple og:image tags)


You can install this bundle using composer:

composer require silverbackis/bw-base-bundle

Then enable both Sonata SEO and the BW Base Bundle:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    // ...

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new Sonata\SeoBundle\SonataSeoBundle(),
            new BW\BaseBundle\BWBaseBundle(),

        // ...

There is a twig template you extend your templates from which will insert all the default Twig functions in your template from both Sonata SEO and BW Base:

{% extends '@BWBase/base.html.twig' %}


By default 2 parameters are set which can be overridden (or not used if you don't want to):

favicon_base: bundles/app/images/favicon
opengraph_base: bundles/app/images/opengraph

Here is a sample full configuration for this bundle.

        twitter:site:       '@silverbackis'
        twitter:image:      '%opengraph_base%opengraph_image1.png'
        # auto = same as Sonata SEO title tag
        twitter:title:      'auto'
        # auto = same as meta description (from either Sonata SEO or BW Base)
        twitter:description: 'auto'
        # auto = same as Sonata SEO title tag
        - { property: "og:title", content: "auto" }
        # auto = same as meta description (from either Sonata SEO or BW Base)
        - { property: "og:description", content: "auto" }
        # auto = get URL from the current request
        - { property: "og:url", content: "auto" }
        - { property: "og:image", content: "%opengraph_base%opengraph_image1.png" }
        - { property: "og:image:width", content: "500" }
        - { property: "og:image:height", content: "500" }
        - { property: "og:image", content: "%opengraph_base%opengraph_image2.png" }
          - { sizes: 57x57, href: '%favicon_base%apple-touch-icon-57x57.png' }
          - { type: image/png, sizes: 196x196, href: '%favicon_base%favicon-196x196.png' }
        enabled: true
        id: UA-12345678-01
        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        id: pixelID
        enabled: true
        app_id: 1234567890
        xfbml: true
        version: 'v2.8'
        language: en_GB
        login_status_check: false
        debug: false
      twitter: true

Twig functions

The Meta tags defined in the BW Base bundle will be merged with those defined for the Sonata SEO bundle when you call the following twig function:

{{ bwbase_meta_tags() }}

There are also some more Twig functions available:

{# Outputs the title without the title tag for easy block overriding #}
{{ bwbase_title() }}

{# Outputs the link tags #}
{{ bwbase_link_tags() }}

{# You can omit the parameter to output all the sdks. Otherwise you can specify or use 'head' or 'body' for each sdks preferred location #}
{{ bwbase_sdks_html('head') }}

{# You can also just return the raw arrays of the data when testing #}
{{ dump(bwbase_links()) }}
{{ dump(bwbase_sdks()) }}
{{ dump(bwbase_metas()) }}

The BW Base Service

You can access the BW Base service with the alias

The following methods are available:

  • setMetas(array $metadatas)
  • addMeta($type, $name, $content, array $extras = array())
  • hasMeta($type, $name)
  • getMeta($type, $name)
  • removeMeta($type, $name)
  • removeMetaByKey($type, $key)
  • setSDKs(array $sdks)
  • getSDKs($bodyPart=false)
  • hasSDK($name)
  • getSDK($name)
  • enableSDK($name)
  • disableSDK($name)
  • setLinks(array $linkdatas)
  • getLinks()
  • hasLink($type, $name)
  • addLink($type, $name, $content)
  • removeLink($type, $name)
  • getUrl($url)

For example, you may only want the Twitter SDK on a specific page which you can enable from your controller using: $this->container->get('')->enableSDK('twitter')