
Laravel wrapper for Mangopay

v0.1-alpha 2021-04-22 11:37 UTC



This package makes it easier to connect MangoPay to Laravel. The ServiceProvider is based on the one used in the laravel-mangopay package.


  1. Install the package via composer:

    composer require sibertschurmans/laravel-mangopay
  2. Publish the configuration and migration file:

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SibertSchurmans\LaravelMangoPay\MangoPayServiceProvider"
  3. Finally, migrate to add the required columns to the User model:

    php artisan migrate 


To use this package you'll need to set the key and secret in the .env file. You can also specify the MangoPay environment (defaults to sandbox).

MANGOPAY_ENVIRONMENT = <sandbox or production>
MANGOPAY_KEY = <your-client-id>
MANGOPAY_SECRET = <your-client-password>

You can find the published configuration file in config/mangopay.php. Here you can change the default values that are used in this package.


Extend the user model with the HasMangoPay interface and include the trait InteractsWithMangoPay to set up the available functions.

From this point on you can use and set up MangoPay on every user.

$user = User::find(1);

$user->addToMangoPay(?string $walletDescription, ?string $walletCurrency);
$user->addFunds(int $amount, string $cardType, string $redirectUrl, ?string $currency, ?string $culture);
$user->makePaymentWithWallet(int $amount, int $recipientWallet, ?string $currency);
$user->makeDirectPayment(int $amount, int $recipientWallet, string $cardType, string $redirectUrl, ?string $currency);