
Package for using layered structure in Laravel.

1.0.1 2019-12-19 21:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-20 07:19:35 UTC


StyleCI License: MIT

This is an open source Laravel package which is intended primarily for those developers who uses the layered structure, like:

model - repository - service - controller


model - service - controller.

Actually, the package allows to create any classes, interfaces, traits that you want.


  • list of new artisan make commands: class, trait, contract, repository, service, layered-bunch
  • almost every command (except trait) has options
  • you can inherit abstract package classes, but if that doesn't suit you, you can create your base classes and inherit them
  • the same is about interfaces - you can implement or extend the provided interfaces or write your own base interfaces


composer require si-dev/laravel-layered

Then run command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="SiDev\LaravelLayered\LayeredServiceProvider"

Package will use its own base repository and service classes and interfaces, but if you want to use yours, you can redefine them in config/layered.php.

Artisan commands and usage


creates a contract (interface) with the given name. It is also possible to specify an extensible interface.


-e, --extends=EXTENDS

creates a contract that extends another specified contract

Note: the contract that extends will not be created


php artisan make:contract ProductInterface
php artisan make:contract ProductInterface --extends=AdapterInterface


creates a class with the specified name. Using options you can create class with injected dependency and/or implementing the specified interface.


-c, --contract[=CONTRACT]

If the name of the contract is specified, the command will create an interface with the specified name and a class that implements the created interface. Otherwise, a contract with the default name (classname + Interface) will be created and a class that implements the created interface.

-d, --dependency=DEPENDENCY

creates a class with the specified name and injects the specified dependency into the constructor.


this option can only be used with the dependency option. Used if you want to name the injection dependency variable with a different name.

Note: dependency and dependencyName will not create a dependency (class or interface). You should create it manually or using command.


php artisan make:class Adapters/DocumentAdapter
php artisan make:class Adapters/DocumentAdapter -c
php artisan make:class Adapters/DocumentAdapter -c -dDocument
php artisan make:class Adapters/DocumentAdapter  --dependency=DocumentInterface --dependencyName=document


creates a repository with the specified name. It also allows to extends base repository class, create and implement contract, inject the specified model.


-e, --extends[=EXTENDS]

extends the specified class. If the name of the class to extend is not defined, it extends the base repository class that defined in package config.

-m, --model=MODEL

inject the model you specify. Note: the model will not be created, you should create it with appropriate command or manually.

-c, --contract

creates and implements the contract for the repository class

All repositories will be placed in the directory App\Repositories. All contracts you can find in the folder App\Contracts\Repositories.


php artisan make:repository ProductRepository
php artisan make:repository ProductRepository -c
php artisan make:repository ProductRepository -c -e
php artisan make:repository ProductRepository -c -e --model=Product

Base repository interface and class contain the next methods:

  • get($columns = ['*'])
  • find($id, array $columns = ['*'])
  • findWhere(array $where, array $columns = ['*'])
  • firstWhere(array $where, $columns = ['*'])
  • create(array $attributes)
  • update($id, array $attributes)
  • updateWhere(array $where, array $attributes)
  • delete($id)
  • deleteWhere(array $where)

In addtition base repository class has magic __call method. So you can use any Eloquent model method you need.


creates service class in the App\Services folder. Also you can inject repository or model, extends base service class, implement contract.


-e, --extends[=EXTENDS]

extends the specified class. If the name of the class to extend is not defined, it extends the base service class that defined in package config.

-r, --repository[=REPOSITORY]

injects repository class or interface.

-m, --model[=MODEL]

injects the specified model.

Notice: you can use either the repository or the model, but not both options together.

-c, --contract

creates and implements the contract for the service class


php artisan make:service ProductService
php artisan make:service ProductService --model=Product
php artisan make:service ProductService -c
php artisan make:service ProductService -c -e
php artisan make:service ProductService -c -e --repository=ProductRepository


creates bunch of classes for layered structure. As the result the next ones will be created:

  • model
  • factory
  • migration
  • repository contract that extends base repository contract
  • repository class that extends base repository class and implements the contract that was created on the previous step. Also model will be injected in this class
  • service contract that extends base service contract
  • service class that extends base service class and implements the contract created on the previous step. Also repository contract will be injected

Notice this command only creates contracts and classes, but does not bind abstract to concrete implementation. You should do it manually in AppServiceProvider or other service provider!


php artisan make:layered-bunch Product


creates a trait with the specified name. There is no custom options for this command.


php artisan make:trait Taggable


laravel-layered is open-source package licensed under the MIT license