
Set roles and permissions based on member roles of your Discord server

v1.x-dev 2023-03-27 02:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 04:35:50 UTC


This package automatically grants permissions to Laravel users based on their roles in Discord Guild (Server).



composer require shroomok/discord-permission



Configure mapping between Discord roles and Laravel permissions/roles: config/discord_permission.php

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Shroomok\DiscordPermission\DiscordPermissionServiceProvider" --tag="config"
'roles_map' => [
            'discord_role' => 'moderator',
            'laravel_roles' => ['moderator', 'editor']
            'discord_role' => 'donator',
            'laravel_permissions' => ['access premium content']

Finally, register DiscordClient dependency in app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

namespace App\Providers;
use RestCord\DiscordClient;

class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
      public function register()
          $this->app->singleton(DiscordClient::class, function(){
              // token definitely better to retrieve from config like: 'token' => config('services.discord.bot_token')
              return new DiscordClient(['token' => 'DISCORD BOT TOKEN']);

Queued Event Listener

Synchronization with discord happens within SyncDiscordRoles listener which is queueable. Don't forget to start worker php artisan queue:work if your QUEUE_CONNECTION is not sync


For example, you are running web application based on Laravel framework. Also, you have Discord community related to this website. And you've already implemented login via Discord OAuth. Users, who have Discord account, are able to sign in into your web app. Now you want to share with your Community members something special. But with specific users only. Or these users are moderators in your Discord Guild already, and it would be nice to grant them same permissions in Laravel app... At this point DiscordPermission package can make your life easier!

How it works

It interacts with Discord API to get data about specific guild, members, and their roles via restcord/restcord.

Manipulations with roles and permissions within Laravel app are done via spatie/laravel-permissions

Main logic consists of DiscordLoginSuccess event and SyncDiscordRoles listener.

DiscordLoginSuccess event should be dispatched when User finished authentication via Discord and application retrieved discord_id.

SyncDiscordRoles listener interacts with Discord API to check the role of passed User and then assign (or not) Laravel roles and/or permissions. It implements ShouldQueue interface to make it possible to run it as a worker in background and not not overwhelm user during login.

User object could be any object with assignRole(string $role) and givePermissionTo(string $permission) methods.

Basically, it must use 'HasRoles' trait from spatie/laravel-permissions package.


Built with love by Shroomok

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