
Essential mediator implementation

v2.0.2 2024-01-23 05:50 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-11 07:43:49 UTC


Essential mediator implementation.

Use Mediator when you want to handle communication between loosely coupled objects.


php composer require shopie/mediator

Send a request and get a response back

// A message we want to send to a handler
// Should extend Request class
// Define the worker handler with the MediatorHandler attribute
class RequestNotification extends Request
    public function __construct(
        private int $id,
        private string $name,
        private bool $isActive
    ) {

    public function isActive(): bool
        return $this->isActive;

// A handler that does something with the message
// our message's handler
class RequestNotificationHandler
    public function __construct()

    public function handle(RequestNotification $notification): MediatorResult
        // example error return
        if (!$notification->isActive()) {
            return new MediatorResult('User is not activated');

        // work

        // return result
        // 1st argument: error string, 2nd argument: result object
        // result object can be anything
        return new MediatorResult(null, true);

// init Mediator, send message, get result back
$result = (new Mediator())->send(new RequestNotification());

// check $result->status
// failed equals:
// success equals:

Publish a message to a queue

// A message we want to send to a handler
// Should extend Notification class
// Define the worker handler with the MediatorHandler attribute
class TestMessage extends Notification
    public function __construct(
        public readonly int $id,
        public readonly string $message
    ) {

// A handler that does something with the message
class TestMessageHandler
    public function __construct()

    public function handle(TestMessage $notification): void
        // .. pushes to some messaging queue

// init Mediator, publish message
 (new Mediator())->publish(new TestMessage(1, 'This is a test notification'));

Injecting dependencies to handlers

Use shopie/di-container IoC container if you want to inject dependencies to handlers.

// Prototype example container initialization in an App class
class App
     * Services are added to the container.
    private ServiceContainerInterface $container;

     * Services are requested from provider.
    private ServiceProviderInterface $provider;

    public function __construct()

    public function initContainer()
        $collection = new ServiceCollection();

        $this->container = new ServiceContainer($collection);

        $this->provider = new ServiceProvider($collection);

    public function addServices()
        // add mediator to container
        $this->container->addScoped(MediatorInterface::class, Mediator::class);

        // init mediator
        $mediator = $this->provider->getService(Mediator::class);

        // add service provider to mediator

// Using the App class
$app = new App();

Now objects can be injected to the handlers.

// A handler with dependencies
class TestMessageHandler
    public function __construct(private MyRepository $repository)

    public function handle(TestMessage $notification): void
        // do work