shklyaev-p-a / imap-mail-recipient
get access to mailbox via imap for reading and flaggind mail message with any format decode
Requires (Dev)
#About It`s activity developing library for simple getting mail via php imap function.
Methods and arguments constantly changing. The library is under development
For joint development contact with me:
#Connect to mailbox
use ImapRecipient\Client;
$client = new Client('email', 'password', 'server');
At this moment available connection to yandex, mail and google mailbox domains. For another server connection need passed to function server adress as third argument. Example: '{}'
For check official servers domain use \ImapRecipient\Helpers\AdressParser::getMailBox('email')
helper. But imap domain will can be find in google.
#Get all mails from mailbox method will return array with mail number. For get mail you need use getOne() method
for filtering mails before getting you may used special imap filters in main query.
$client->all()->answered()->body('Hello world')->get();
full filtering list u can find on
All dates format in filters must be as 'j F Y H:m:s'
#Get one mails with attachments
$client->getOne(int $number);
$client->getOne(int $number)->text()
or $client->getOne(int $number)->html()
$client->getOne(int $nubmer)->attachments;'
for looking attachments
$images = $client->getOne(int $number)->images()[0]->get()
for get image content (similarly for another files implements MediaInterface)
test running: php ./vendor/bin/phpunit
or composer test