
Reduce fields & Fasten up your response size using Laravel Resource Reducer

1.1.1 2024-03-13 14:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 16:47:56 UTC


Build & Test (PHP 8.2 + Laravel 10+) codecov

Ever thinking about how to speed up your application by optimizing the response? 👀

Laravel Resource Reducer helps you to optimize every API request by:

  • Reduce the response's size, get what you need ⭐️
    • Defer execution and allow on-demand data
  • Responses to consumers faster 🚀
    • No more BIG FAT JSON every item/request
  • Computation only starts when requires, save CPU & memory 😎
  • Built-in relationship access by using dot notation 👀
  • Eager-loading on steroids (automated eager-loading, no more N+1 pain) 🔋

A simple yet super effective method to skyrocketing your API responding times 🥰

If you know about GraphQL, To query for data, we need to define which fields we want to retrieve. Laravel Resource Reducer is heavily inspired from GraphQL approach. ❤️


  • Laravel 10 & 11
  • PHP 8.2+


  • Single Eloquent Model ✅
  • Collection of Eloquent Models ✅
  • Pagination ✅ (🟡 we have to use Resource::collection for the time being)
  • (Planned) Collection of Arrays
  • (Planned) Collection of Objects


composer require shipsaas/laravel-resource-reducer


Laravel Resource Reducer is the SuperSet from Laravel Resource, thus we can use the Reducer just like the way we use normal Resource.

For detailed documentation & best practices, check out: Reducer Documentation

Resource Class

Simply migrate your Resource class by extending ShipSaasReducer\Json\JsonReducerResource, implement the definitions method.

The migration is 1:1 migration, no breaking changes 😉.

class UserResource extends JsonReducerResource
    public function definitions(Request $request): array
        return [
            'id' => fn () => $this->id,
            'email' => fn () => $this->email,
            'created_at' => fn () => $this->created_at,

Remember to wrap your accessor in a Closure/Callable. This ensures computation won't start on Runtime (wait for the right time 😉).

NOTE: remember to remove the toArray() if you are migrating to JsonReducerResource 🥹, we handles magic there.

Return the data

Same as today as how we are using Laravel Resource:

// UserController@index
return UserResource::collection($users)->response();

// UserController@show
return (new UserResource($users->first()))->response();

From API consumers

Use the query _f or _fields, Reducer supports both ways:

  • http://api/users?_f=id,name,,created_at
  • http://api/users?_fields[]=id,_fields[]=email


Run composer test 😆

Available Tests:

  • Unit Testing
  • Feature Testing


  • Seth Phat

Contributions & Support the Project

Feel free to submit any PR, please follow PSR-1/PSR-12 coding conventions and testing is a must.

If this package is helpful, please give it a ⭐️⭐️⭐️. Thank you!


MIT License