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Seo tools for laravel blade templates

v1.1.1 2019-03-01 21:25 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:15:12 UTC



composer require shevaua/laravel-seo

Adding to layout:

    <!-- other tags here -->

Setting Seo Information with Facade:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use SeoPage;

class TestSeoController extends Controller
    public function getTestSeoPage()

        $title = 'Hello world!';
        $description = 'This is the test page';


            ->setMeta('description', $description)
            ->setMeta('author', 'Igor Sheviakov')

            ->setOg('title', $title)
            ->setOg('description', $description);

        return view('test.seopage');



Setting Seo Information with Injected object:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Shevaua\LaravelSeo\SeoPage;

class TestSeoController extends Controller
    public function getTestSeoPage(SeoPage $page)

        $title = 'Hello world!';
        $description = 'This is the test page';


            ->setMeta('description', $description)
            ->setMeta('author', 'Igor Sheviakov')

            ->setOg('title', $title)
            ->setOg('description', $description);

        return view('test.seopage');




Using Facade:

SeoPage::getInstance() - method for getting singleton with seo information

Using instance:

SeoPage->setTitle(string $title) - setting title

SeoPage->setMeta(string $name, string $content) - setting meta

SeoPage->setOg(string $property, string $content) - setting meta with og prefix