
Laravel package for logging Http request/response in the database

2.0.0 2019-11-10 14:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-10 23:40:33 UTC


Laravel package for logging Http requests/responses to database. It provides a middleware that handles request logging and sets a header "X-Request-Id" with a uuid for tracking each request. All logging is done in the background so it won't affect response time.


  • Handles Request Logging to Database as a background job
  • Provides a UUID for each request for tracking/debugging
  • Dumps log table to laravel storage periodically
  • Configurable to match or exclude certain requests


Require the sherifai/clearcut package in your composer.json and update your dependencies:

$ composer require sherifai/clearcut

Next publish the configuration. This is an optional step, it contains some configurations that by default logs all requests.

$ php artisan vendor:publish

Next generate the migration file:

$ php artisan clearcut:migration

It will generate the <timestamp>_request_logs_table.php migration.


To Start logging requests add LogRequests Middleware in Kernel.php

protected $middleware = [
    // ...

Clearcut then pushes the logging process to a background job.


The configuration file config/clearcut.php conatins values for selectively logging requests. By default ClearCut Logs all requests. The most important configurations however are

  1. 'dump_every' => 1000 which specifies the interval for logging requests before dumping the database.

  2. 'storage_disk' => 'local' which specifies the storage location for the dump file

  3. 'queue_name' => 'clearcut' which is the default queue for processing log job

  4. 'enabled' => true which determines of the package is working and storing request logs


Support follows PSR-2 PHP coding standards.

Please report any issue you find in the issues page. Pull requests are welcome.


Released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.