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A tagging package for Laravel Eloquent models

1.0.0 2017-05-24 18:54 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-09 02:00:52 UTC


A tagging package for Laravel Eloquent models.


This package requires Laravel 5.3 or higher and PHP 7.0 or higher.


  1. Install the shamilchoudhury/eloquent-tags package via composer:

    $ composer require shamilchoudhury/eloquent-tags
  2. Add the service provider to providers array in config/app.php:

    'providers' => [
  3. Use artisan to run the migration to create the required tags tables.

    php artisan migrate

Setup your Models

To make a model taggable, use the Taggable trait:

use Shamil\Tags\Taggable;

class Lesson extends Model
    use Taggable;

Done. Now your model is "taggable"!


Tag your models with the tag() method:

// Pass in an array
$lesson->tag(['snow', 'linen']);

// or you can pass in a model
$lesson->tag(\Shamil\Tags\Models\Tag::where('name', 'snow')->first());

// or a collection
$lesson->tag(\Shamil\Tags\Models\Tag::whereIn('name', ['snow', 'linen'])->get());

The tag() method is additive, so you can easily add new tags to the existing ones:

$lesson->tag(['linen']); // lesson has one tag 'linen'

$lesson->tag(['snow', 'linen']); // lesson now has two tags: 'linen' and 'snow'

$lesson->tag(['navy']); // lesson has three tags

Tag names are normalized to avoid duplicate tags:

$lesson->tag(['snow', 'SNOW', 'sNoW']); // lesson will be tagged with 'snow' only once

You can easily grab tags associated with a model using their relationship:

$lesson = Lesson::find(1);

foreach($lesson->tags as $tag) {
    echo $tag->name . ' ' ;
    // or do other stuff

Since this is a direct relationship, you can easily order tags by their count:

$lesson = Lesson::find(1);

foreach($lesson->tags()->orderBy('count', 'desc')->get() as $tag) {
    echo $tag->name . ' ' ; // this will echo tags in decreasing order of their count

Convert all tags associated with a model to an array:

$lesson = Lesson::find(1);

echo implode(' • ', $lesson->tags->pluck('name')->toArray()); // Seperate tags by bullet points

You can grab a model with specific tags using query scopes:

// withAnyTag()
$lesson = Lesson::withAnyTag(['linen', 'snow', 'navy']);
dd($lesson->get()); // take any lesson that is tagged with any of the provided tags

$lesson = Lesson::withAllTags(['yellowgreen', 'navy']);
dd($lesson->get()); // only take lessons that are tagged with all of the provided tags

$lesson = Lesson::withoutTags(['snow', 'linen']);
dd($lesson->get()); // only take lessons that are not tagged with all of the provided tags

You can delete all current tags and add new tags with retag() :

$lesson = Lesson::find(1);

// all existing tags are removed and model is tagged with the tags provided
// in other words, model is first detagged and then tagged with the new tags

You can remove tags with untag() :

$lesson->tag(['lightcoral', 'yellowgreen', 'navy']);

// $lesson is now tagged with "yellowgreen" and "navy"

Simply use untag() to remove all tags:

$lesson = Lesson::find(1);

$lesson->untag(); // all tags are removed
dd($lesson->tags); // $lesson now has an empty collection of tags

You can grab tags based on their count using the orderable scopes:

$tags = \Shamil\Tags\Models\Tag::usedGte(2); // tags with count greater than or equal to 2
dd($tags->get()); // all tags that have been used twice or more

// Similarly you can use other scopes

$tags = \Shamil\Tags\Models\Tag::usedGt(2); // tags with count greater than 2

$tags = \Shamil\Tags\Models\Tag::usedLte(2); // tags with count less than or equal to 2

$tags = \Shamil\Tags\Models\Tag::usedLt(2); // tags with count less than 2


Eloquent-tags is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.