
v0.1.0 2023-09-09 07:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 08:42:04 UTC


Laravel Crud is a test package that creates a Test model along with controller, migration, routes, request and views.


First require the package in your fresh laravel project.

composer require shakilnadim/laravel-crud

Then run the below command to install the package in your project.

php artisan laravel-crud:install

This command will move all the controllers, models, migrations, requests, routes and views to their particular directories. Furthermore, this will also install tailwind css in your project. Finally, it will run php artisan migrate command to create table in the database.

Then, you can start the project with

php artisan serve

Then open the browser and go to /tests route on your website, and you will see crud functionalities for tests table in that page.