
A CakePHP plugin to encrypt data and save in database and also to decrypt data when fethcing from database. You can also encrypt or decrypt all historical data.

v2.2 2021-07-12 18:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-13 00:09:53 UTC


A CakePHP library to encrypt and decrypt data.


  • Encrypt data when saving and decrypt data when fetching data from database.
  • Encrypt & decrypt historical data.


Via Composer

For CakePHP 4:

composer require shakib/cakephp-encrypt-decrypt

For CakePHP 3.4 and above versions:

composer require shakib/cakephp-encrypt-decrypt:~1.1

For CakePHP <=3.3:

composer require shakib/cakephp-encrypt-decrypt:1.0


Add the type in bootstrap.php

TypeFactory::map('encrypted', 'EncryptDecrypt\Database\Type\EncryptType');

Add config value in config\app.php

'Security' => [
    'encryption_key' => env('ENCRYPTION_KEY', 'YOUR-KEY'),


Table structure: Use BLOB \ VARBINARY type for those columns you are want to be encrypted. Such as:

CREATE TABLE `accounts`(
    `full_name` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,    
    `account_number` VARBINARY(255) NOT NULL,    
    `email` VARBINARY(255) NOT NULL,    
    `created` DATETIME NOT NULL,
    `modified` DATETIME NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY(`id`)
) ENGINE = InnoDB;

Map all columns in your Table class.

use Cake\ORM\Table;
use Cake\Database\Schema\TableSchemaInterface;
use EncryptDecrypt\Traits\EncryptDecrypt;

class AccountsTable extends Table

   use EncryptDecrypt;
    * @param TableSchemaInterface $schema
    * @return TableSchemaInterface
    protected function _initializeSchema(TableSchemaInterface $schema): TableSchemaInterface
      $schema->setColumnType('account_number', 'encrypted');
      $schema->setColumnType('email', 'encrypted');
      return $schema;

To encrypt or decrypt historical data, add this method in your table class and run

public function encryptDecryptAllData()
  // columns that are in plain text
  $sourceColumns = ['column1', 'column2']; 	
  // columns that need to be encrypted / decrypted
  $destinationColumns = ['column3', 'column4'];

  return $this->encryptAll($this, $sourceColumns, $destinationColumns);