
Iranian banks payment gateways interface

v3.2 2023-07-25 13:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 16:18:48 UTC


Iranian banks payment gateways Interface


This library provides a simple and easy way to accept payments using Iranian banks with PHP.


simply install IRbanks using composer:

composer require shahinsoft/irbanks

How to use?

Each bank has its own payment process, end-points, and parameters. First of all you need to know about the process of your bank. Then refer to your bank section in this document.


Mellat payment has 3 main steps; getting the payment toke, verifying the payment, and settling the payment.

1. Get payment token

    $mellat = new \IRbanks\Mellat($terminalId, $userName, $userPassword);
    $response = $mellat->request($amount);
}catch(\Throwable $e){
    echo "error: ".$e->getMessage();

2. Redirect user to payment page

//use $response info like token($response->token) and orderId($response->order_id) to create a HTML form with POST method
//or automatically do it using redirectToMellat() function

//This function generates a JS script which creates a hidden HTML form with POST method to redirect the end-user to the Mellat payment page.

3. Verify payment

    $mellat = new \IRbanks\Mellat($terminalId, $userName, $userPassword);
    $response = $mellat->verify();
    echo "successful payment";
}catch(\Throwable $e){
    //payment was unsuccessful or verification failed
    echo "error: ".$e->getMessage();


Parsian payment has 3 main steps; getting the payment token, redirecting user to payment page, and verifying the payment. There is a possibility to reverse a transaction as well. (Last test: 25 July 2023)

1. Get payment token

use IRbanks\Parsian;

    $parsian = new Parsian($pin);
    $response = $parsian->request($amount, $callbackUrl, $orderId, $additionalData);
}catch (\Throwable $exception){
    echo $exception->getMessage();

2. Redirect user to the payment page

//use payment URL ($parsian->paymentUrl()) to redirect user to the payment page with your project standards
//or call redirect function ($parsian->redirect()) for automatic redirect using header location

//manual approach
$payment_url = $parsian->paymentUrl();
return redirect($payment_url);

//automatic approach

3. Verify payment

use IRbanks\Parsian;

    $parsian = new Parsian($pin);
    $response = $parsian->verify();
    echo "Successful payment";
}catch (\Throwable $exception){
    //payment was unsuccessful or verification failed
    echo $exception->getMessage();

4. Reversing a transaction

In case you do not verify a transaction you can reverse it.

use IRbanks\Parsian;

    $parsian = new Parsian($pin);
    echo "Transaction reversed successfully";
}catch (\Throwable $exception){
    echo $exception->getMessage();

Asan Pardakht

Asan Pardakht payment has 3 main steps; getting the payment toke, verifying the payment, and settling the payment.

1. Get payment token

    $AP = new \IRbanks\Asanpardakht($merchantId, $username, $password, $aesKey, $aesIV);
    $response = $AP->request($amount, $callback_url, $order_id);
}catch(\Throwable $e){
    echo "error: ".$e->getMessage();

2. Redirect user to payment page

//use $response info like token($response->token) and refId($response->refID) to create a HTML form with POST method
//or automatically do it using redirectToAsanpardakht() function.

//This function generates a JS script which creates a hidden HTML form with POST method to redirect the end-user to the Asanpardakht payment page.

3. Verify payment

    $AP = new \IRbanks\Asanpardakht($merchantId, $username, $password, $aesKey, $aesIV);
    $optional_REQUEST_parameter = Request::input('ReturningParams'); //This is an optional parameter, if not set, the $_POST will be used
    $response = $AP->verify($optional_REQUEST_parameter);

    // OR
    $response = $AP->verify();

    echo "successful payment";
}catch(\Throwable $e){
    //payment was unsuccessful or verification failed
    echo "error: ".$e->getMessage();

Sadad (Bank Melli)

Sadad payment has 3 main steps; getting the payment toke, redirecting user to payment page, and verifying the payment.

1. Get payment token

Note: Your callback url should contain order_id cause Sadad does not return it to call back url.

    $Sadad = new \IRbanks\Sadad($terminalId, $merchant, $transactionKey);
    $response = $Sadad->request($amount, $callback_url, $order_id);
}catch(\Throwable $e){
    echo "error: ".$e->getMessage();

2. Redirect user to payment page

//use $response info like token($response->token) and refId($response->refID) to create a HTML form with POST method
//or automatically do it using redirectToAsanpardakht() function.

//This function generates a JS script which creates a hidden HTML form with POST method to redirect the end-user to the Asanpardakht payment page.

3. Verify payment

    $AP = new \IRbanks\Asanpardakht($merchantId, $username, $password, $aesKey, $aesIV);
    $optional_REQUEST_parameter = Request::input('ReturningParams'); //This is an optional parameter, if not set, the $_POST will be used
    $response = $AP->verify($optional_REQUEST_parameter);

    // OR
    $response = $AP->verify();
    echo "successful payment";
}catch(\Throwable $e){
    //payment was unsuccessful or verification failed
    echo "error: ".$e->getMessage();