Send branded SMS to any Pakistani number

1.0 2020-02-27 13:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-21 12:43:46 UTC


How to install

To install follow these steps

1- Install composer install shahidkarimi/bizsms

2- Publish vendor php artisan vendor:publish

3- Change config config/bizsms.php with your credentials

4- Make sure you have valid credentials purchased from


1- Add this to config/app.php BizsmsServiceProvider::class

2- Add this alias bizsms => BizsmsServiceProvider::class

How to use?

1- By Global Function

bizsms::send('0346123456', 'SMS Body');

2- By adding SmsNotifiable Trait to User.php

The easiest way to send sms to a user is just using the SmsNotifiable Trait in user user class as

class User extends Authenticatable
    use SmsNotifiable;

Sending SMS $user->notifyBySms("Hello sir");

Want to contribute?

You are free to contribute in this reposity.