
Multi auth role permission where user easily assign role permission

3.2.0 2024-05-30 19:35 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-13 19:48:42 UTC


Table of Contents


Multi-Auth Role Permission is a versatile Laravel package designed to create a robust and flexible access control system. This package enables you to define user roles with specific permissions and allows users to customize their permissions beyond their assigned roles. It's a user-friendly solution to enhance the security and control of your Laravel project.


👉 To install this package, you'll need to have Laravel version 9 or higher and PHP version 8.0.0 or higher installed on your machine. You can download the latest version of PHP from the official PHP resource: Ensure your environment meets these requirements before proceeding with the installation.

  • Install auth package in laravel project (JWT, laravel/ui etc).

  • Install package: composer require shafiulnaeem/multi-auth-role-permission

  • Run migrate command: php artisan migrate

  • Add auth guards: php artisan add:auth {your-guard-name}

  • After add auth guard, hit applicatoin_url/guards get api for guard list. GET http://localhost:8000/guards or use bellow route

      use Shafiulnaeem\MultiAuthRolePermission\Http\Controllers\RolePermissionController;
      use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
      // auth guards
      Route::get('/guards', function () {
          return sendResponse(
              'Data fetch successfully.',


     "code": 200,
     "success": true,
     "message": "Data fetch successfully.",
     "data": [
             "id": 1,
             "name": "admin",
             "created_at": "2023-10-12T08:27:57.000000Z",
             "updated_at": "2023-10-12T08:27:57.000000Z",
             "id": 2,
             "name": "customer",
             "created_at": "2023-10-12T08:27:51.000000Z",
             "updated_at": "2023-10-12T08:27:51.000000Z",
     "errors": []
  • Follow bellow route middleware pattern for permissions. User must be login for access the routes.

    Route::middleware('check.auth:{your-guard}')->group(function () {
    // users can access this block routes after login   
      Route::middleware('permission:{your-guard}')->group(function () {
      // user can access this block routes if user logged in and if user have permission
          // demo route
          Route::group(['prefix' => 'test', 'as' => 'test.'], function () {
              Route::get('/index', function () { 
                return response()->json([
                   'code' => 200,
                   'success' => true,
                   'message' => 'Permission testing',
                   'data' => [],
                   'errors' => []
  • Suppose you have two auth guards like admin and customer. Then you can use bellow route pattern for permission.

    • For admin.
      Route::middleware('check.auth:admin')->group(function () {
      // users can access this block routes after login   
          Route::middleware('permission:admin')->group(function () {
          // user can access this block routes if user logged in and if user have permission
            // demo routes
            Route::group(['prefix' => 'test', 'as' => 'test.'], function () {
              Route::get('/admin/dashboard', function () { 
                return response()->json([
                   'code' => 200,
                   'success' => true,
                   'message' => 'Admin Permission testing',
                   'data' => [],
                   'errors' => []
    • For customer
      Route::middleware('check.auth:customer')->group(function () {
      // users can access this block routes after login 
        Route::middleware('permission:customer')->group(function () {
        // user can access this block routes if user loggedin and if user have permission 
            // demo routes
            Route::group(['prefix' => 'test', 'as' => 'test.'], function () {
              Route::get('/profile', function () {
                return response()->json([
                   'code' => 200,
                   'success' => true,
                   'message' => 'Customer Permission testing',
                   'data' => [],
                   'errors' => []
  • For guard wise route permission list use bellow route.

      use Shafiulnaeem\MultiAuthRolePermission\Http\Controllers\RolePermissionController;
      Route::get('permission/module/{guard}', [RolePermissionController::class, 'module_permission'])->name('permission.route.list');
      "code": 200,
      "success": true,
      "message": "Data fetch successfully.",
      "data": [
           "module": "test",
           "permission": [
                    "auth_guard_id": 0,
                    "role_id": 0,
                    "auth_user_id": 0,
                    "module": "test",
                    "operation": " a",
                    "route": "test/a",
                    "is_permit": 0,
                    "route_name": "test.a",
                    "method": "GET"
                    "auth_guard_id": 0,
                    "role_id": 0,
                    "auth_user_id": 0,
                    "module": "test",
                    "operation": " b",
                    "route": "test/b",
                    "is_permit": 0,
                    "route_name": "test.b",
                    "method": "GET"
      "errors": []
  • Role CRUD route

    use Shafiulnaeem\MultiAuthRolePermission\Http\Controllers\RolePermissionController;
    Route::group(['prefix' => 'role', 'as' => 'role.'], function () {
      // use `guard` params for gurad wise role list
      // use `search` params for search role  
      Route::get('/list', [RolePermissionController::class, 'index'])->name('list');
      Route::post('/create', [RolePermissionController::class, 'store'])->name('create');
      Route::get('/show/{id}', [RolePermissionController::class, 'show'])->name('show');
      Route::put('/update/{id}', [RolePermissionController::class, 'update'])->name('update');
      Route::delete('/delete/{id}', [RolePermissionController::class, 'destroy'])->name('delete');
    // example: Request data for role create and update
      "auth_guard_id" : 1, // from '{base_url}/gurds'  api.
      "name" : "admin",
      "is_admin" : 0, // 1 means admin role and 0 means other role. If admin then there is no permission for this role.
      "role_permissions" : [ // permission data from '{base_url}/permission/{guard}' api.
           "module": "test",
           "permission": [
                      "auth_guard_id": 0,
                      "role_id": 0,
                      "auth_user_id": 0,
                      "module": "test",
                      "operation": " a",
                      "route": "test/a",
                      "is_permit": 1, // 1 means add permission for test.a route
                      "route_name": "test.a",
                      "method": "GET"
                      "auth_guard_id": 0,
                      "role_id": 0,
                      "auth_user_id": 0,
                      "module": "test",
                      "operation": " b",
                      "route": "test/b",
                      "is_permit": 0, // 0 means permission not added
                      "route_name": "test.b",
                      "method": "GET"
  • user permission list from bellow route

     use Shafiulnaeem\MultiAuthRolePermission\Http\Controllers\RolePermissionController;
     Route::post('/user/permission/list', [RolePermissionController::class, 'get_user_permission_list'])->name('user.permission.list');
    // example: Request data
      "auth_user_id" : 1, // your user id
      "role_id" : 1
  • Assaign user permission using bellow route

     use Shafiulnaeem\MultiAuthRolePermission\Http\Controllers\RolePermissionController;
     Route::post('/user/permission/add', [RolePermissionController::class, 'user_permission'])->name('user.permission.add');
    // example: Request data
      "auth_user_id" : 1, // your user id
      "role_id" : 2,
      "role_permissions" : [ // permission data from 'user/permission/list' api.
           "module": "test",
           "permission": [
                      "auth_guard_id": 0,
                      "role_id": 0,
                      "auth_user_id": 0,
                      "module": "test",
                      "operation": " a",
                      "route": "test/a",
                      "is_permit": 1, // 1 means permission added
                      "route_name": "test.a",
                      "method": "GET"
                      "auth_guard_id": 0,
                      "role_id": 0,
                      "auth_user_id": 0,
                      "module": "test",
                      "operation": " b",
                      "route": "test/b",
                      "is_permit": 0, // 0 means permission not added
                      "route_name": "test.b",
                      "method": "GET"
  • For user role use userRole($guard_name, $user_id) function .

       // response like bellow
        "role_id": 1,
        "role: "Admin",
        "is_admin": 1