
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Very simple, flexible templating language for PHP

2.0.0-beta4 2017-02-28 06:36 UTC


Tempe (temˈpē) is a very simple templating language.

It is named after the suburb of Sydney, which is where I was driving when I decided how I wanted it to work. Inspirational story, eh!

It provides very simple primitives which can be composed into your own domain specific, simple but feature-rich template language, and it also comes bundled with a pre-built generic language which provides semantics which will appear somewhat familiar to users of handlebars.js.

If you want a simple, flexible templating engine comparable to Mustache/Handlebars or Twig/Jinja2, see the "Language" section.

If you want to make your own simple, domain-specific templating language using Tempe's primitives, see guts_.


Install using composer:

composer require shabbyrobe/tempe:2.*@beta

A typical Tempe template:

Hello {= get name }
You have just won {= get value } dollars!
{# get in_ca | show }
Well, {= get taxed_value } dollars, after taxes.
{/ }

Given the following hash:

  "name": "Chris",
  "value": 10000,
  "taxed_value": 10000 - (10000 * 0.4),
  "in_ca": true

Will produce the following:

Hello Chris
You have just won 10000 dollars!
Well, 6000.0 dollars, after taxes.


$lang = Tempe\Lang\Factory::createBasic();
$renderer = new Tempe\Renderer($lang);
$scope = [
    'foo' => 'hello',
    'bar' => 'world',
$renderer->render('{= get foo } {= get bar }!', $scope);


The usual reason: dissatisfaction with the existing options.

Mustache <>_ is a nice idea but it's too limiting. There are always little bits of "logic" that aren't really quite logic but you still need anyway. Context-specific escaping filters spring instantly to mind.

Twig <>_ is very featureful, but it has its own issues. Complex templates can be extremely cumbersome to work with due to how simple it is to allow convoluted expression logic to bleed in to the template from your controller. This is easy prey for ill-disciplined developers (I'm looking at you, everybody, and especially at you, clock).

Both of these templating engines are fine choices, but I've spent too long bumping up against the problems with both approaches. Tempe is an experiment in finding a middle-ground. Remove the worst of the messy logic from Twig, keep the primitives as simple as they can possibly be like Mustache.

Tempe's Guts are also much simpler than both Mustache and Twig - it comes with no features by default, but the primitives it does provide make it possible to provide a feature-complete replacement for either. Tempe comes bundled with an implementation of these features you can use if you wish, though you do not have to - you are free to implement your own handlers as you see fit.

Because of this design, Tempe can also be used to create your own templating DSL using its Guts - you can strip it back to almost nothing and tailor it to your needs. This makes it ideal for scenarios where you do not want to provide a complex templating system but need a little bit more than strtr can give you (which is exactly the scenario that led me to write it in the first place - strtr was too simple, Twig wasn't simple enough, Mustache is too HTML-specific).


There are three primitives in Tempe - value tags, block tags and the escape sequence.

Value and Block Tags

Value tags are intended to be wholly substituted and look like this:

{= chain }

Block tags are used to surround and capture template parts:

{# chain }contents{/ }

Block tags can be nested to an arbitrary depth:

{# chain }{# chain }{/ }{/ }

Blocks can be named to make closing tags easier to identify:

{# b1: chain } {# b2: chain } {/ b2 } {/ b1 }

Tag delimiters cannot be changed.

Handler Chain

Both block and value tags MAY contain a chain of handlers.

Handler chains are similar to Unix pipelines - the output of one handler is sent to the input of the next. The last handler in the chain connects to the renderer's output.

Each handler is separated by a pipe. You can chain as many handlers together as you wish:

{= handler | handler | handler }

A handler is made up of one or more identifiers. Identifiers must satisfy the following regex:


The first identifier is considered the handler name, all subsequent identifiers are considered arguments:

{= handler1 arg1 arg2 | handler2 arg1 arg2 }

Whitespace inside tags between identifiers and pipes is ignored. The following tags are identical:

{=handler1 arg1 arg2|handler2|handler3}
{=  handler1   arg1   arg2  |  handler2  |  handler3  }
{=  handler1 arg1 arg2 | 
    handler2  |  handler3  }

"Whitespace" is equivalent to the PCRE \s escape sequence (LF, CR, FF, HTAB, SPACE).

Whitespace-only tags and empty tags are allowed. This can be used for basic whitespace control:

{#    }{/      }

You can simulate template comments by using an empty block. This does not affect the parser, only the renderer:

{#}This will not appear{/}

Escape Sequences

Escape sequences are needed when you want to include the literal value of a tag opening in your output.

Simply affix a semicolon to a tag opener to turn it into an escape sequence.

  • {=; becomes {= in the output
  • {#; becomes {# in the output
  • {/; becomes {/ in the output

For example, this template:

Value tags look like this: {=; foo }
Block tags look like this: {#; id: foo }bar{/; foo }

Will yield the output:

Value tags look like this: {= foo bar }
Block tags look like this: {# id: foo }bar{/ foo }



Tempe comes bundled with a configuration file for boris <>_. Boris offers a PHP REPL. If you invoke boris from the Tempe source directory, you will get a shell with Tempe set up and ready to go:

~/php/tempe$ boris
Tempe Shell

[1] boris> dumptpl("{= get foo }");
0  1 P_ROOT     |  
1  1   P_VALUE  |  get (foo)

[2] boris> render("{= get foo }", ['foo'=>'bar']);
Parser time:  0.306ms
Render time:  0.481ms


Get the variable foo and write to the output:

{= get foo }

Get the variable foo, escape as HTML then write to the output:

{= get foo | as html }

Nested escape contexts can be handled in a single call to as:

<a href="url.php?arg={= get foo | as html urlquery }">foo</a>

Warning: Tempe does not do any escaping by default. It is incumbent on the template author to be aware of the context in which they are emitting values at all times.

Pádraic Brady's article Automatic Output Escaping in PHP and the Real Future of Preventing Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) <>_ is essential reading for anyone who believes that automatic output escaping isn't a bad idea.

Nested variable lookup:

Given the hash {"foo": {"bar": "yep"}
This should print "yep": {= get foo | get bar }

Set a variable to the contents of a block:

Should print nothing: {# set foo }Hello World{/}
Should print "Hello World": {= get foo }

Set a variable from a different variable, overwriting if it already exists:

{# set foo }hello{/}
{# set bar }world{/}
{= get foo | set bar }
Should print hello: {= get bar }

Display a block if variable foo is truthy:

{# get foo | show }Truthy!{/}

Display a block if variable foo is equal to the value hello:

{# get foo | eq hello | show }Hello!{/}

Display a block if variable foo is not equal to the value hello:

{# get foo | eq hello | not | show }Goodbye!{/}

eq is limited to loose comparisons with identifiers. Comparisons can be done between variables using eqvar:

Given the hash {"foo": "yep", "bar": "yep"}
This block should render: 
{# get foo | eqvar bar | show }foo is equal to bar!{/}

Complex expressions can be tested using a combination of set and eqvar. This allows the use of concatenation in comparisons:

{# set foo }hel{/}
{# set bar }lo{/}
{# set expr}{= get foo }{= get bar }{/}
{# set test }hello{/}
{# get expr | eqvar test | show }This should show!{/}

Block iteration:

With the following hash:
{"foo": [ {"a": 1, "b": 2}, {"a": 3, "b": 4} ]}

This template:
{# each foo }
    Key:            {= get _key_ }
    Value:          {= get _value_ | get a }
    0-based index:  {= get _idx_ }
    1-based number: {= get _num_ }
    Is it first?:   {# get _first_ | show }Yep!{/}{# get _first_ | not |show }Nup!{/}

    `foo` is merged with the current scope:
        {= get a }, {= get b }

Will output:

    Key:            0
    Value:          1
    0-based index:  0
    1-based number: 1
    Is it first?:   Yep!

    `foo` is merged with the current scope:
        1, 2

    Key:            1
    Value:          3
    0-based index:  1
    1-based number: 2
    Is it first?:   Nup!

    `foo` is merged with the current scope:
        3, 4

Push an array onto the current scope for a block:

Given the hash:   {"foo": {"bar": "hello"}
The template:     {# push foo }{= get bar }{/}
Should output:    hello

Build a nested array using push:

{# a: push foo }
{# b: push bar }
{# set baz }hello{/}
{/ b }
{/ a }
Should print 'hello': {= get foo | get bar | get baz }

Handlers are chainable. This contrived example makes an entire block upper case, then html escapes it, then sets it to another variable:

{# show | upper | as html | set foo }
foo & bar
Should show "FOO &amp; BAR": {= get foo }

Handler Reference

NOTE: The following conventions are used when defining handler syntax:

  • Anything enclosed in square brackets [...] is optional.

  • If the handler name is preceded by an argument and a pipe, the handler operates on the pipeline's input. e.g. <key> | eat would mean that the eat handler takes a <key> from the input.

Tempe provides the following handlers as part of its core language:


Get the value of a key in the current scope.

Syntax: [ <key> | ] get [ <key> ]

Output: mixed

Valid contexts: value, block

A key is required. The key can be passed as an argument or it can be passed via input. A key passed via argument takes precedence.

Lookups can be nested. The following outputs hello:

render("{= get foo | get bar }", ['foo'=>['bar'=>'hello']]);


Set the value of a key in the current scope to the input.

Syntax: [ <input> | ] set <key>

Output: null

Valid contexts: value, block

A <key> is required.

Input always comes from a pipe. If the set handler is first in a chain, the input will be an empty string.


Compare the input to an identifier and output true or false.

Syntax: <input> | eq <compare>

Output: boolean

Valid contexts: value, block

This only allows simple equality comparisons - anything that is allowable as an identifier can be used for <compare>. For more sophisticated equality comparisons, use eqvar.

This handler is really only useful for influencing other handlers, like show::

{# get foo | eq hello | show } Will show if 'foo'=='hello'! {/}


Compare the input with the value of a key in the current scope and output true or false.

Syntax: <input> | eqvar <key>

Output: boolean

Valid contexts: value, block

This allows more complex equality comparisons by fetching the value of <key> from the current scope.

If the comparison value does not exist in the scope, create it::

{# set test }HELLO!.{/}
{# get foo | eqvar test | show }
    Will show if 'foo' == 'HELLO!'


Negate the truthiness of the input.

Syntax: <input> | not

Output: boolean

Valid contexts: value, block


{# get foo | not | show }
    If foo is not truthy, this will show


Render a block for each item in the input or scope key.


  • <input> | each
  • each <key>

Output: string (rendered template)

Valid contexts: block

The following variables are made available on each iteration:

  • _key_: Current key
  • _value_: Current value
  • _idx_: 0-based index
  • _num_: 1-based number
  • _first_: Boolean indicating first item


Escape input using supplied context

Syntax: <input> | as <context>

Available escape contexts:

  • cssString
  • html
  • htmlAttr
  • htmlComment
  • htmlAttrUnquoted
  • js
  • jsQuoted
  • urlQuery
  • xml
  • xmlAttr
  • xmlComment

Valid contexts: block


Render a block


  • <input> | show
  • show


Push the value of a key onto the current scope for a block and render the block.

Syntax: push <key>

Output: string (rendered contents)

Valid contexts: block

String filters

  • upper: convert to upper case
  • lower: convert to lower case
  • ucfirst: first string to upper case
  • lcfirst: first string to lower case
  • ucwords: first letter of every word to upper case
  • trim: trim all whitespace from both ends of string
  • ltrim: trim whitespace from start
  • rtrim: trim whitespace from end
  • rev: reverse string
  • striptags: strip HTML tags from string (PHP function)
  • base64: convert to base64
  • nl2spc: convert one or more consecutive newlines into one space
  • nl2br: convert each newline to a <br />


Tempe does no caching by itself, but you can cache the parse tree yourself:

$lang = Tempe\Lang\Factory::createBasic();
$parser = new Tempe\Parser($lang);
$renderer = new Tempe\Renderer($lang, $parser);

$tpl = '{= get foo } {= get bar }!';
$tree = get_the_tree_from_cache($tpl);
if (!$tree) {
    $tree = $parser->parse($tpl);
    cache_the_tree_pls($tpl, $tree);

$scope = [
    'foo' => 'hello',
    'bar' => 'world',
$renderer->renderTree($tree, $scope);


Making your own language with Tempe's primitives is extremely easy, you just need to write your own handlers:

$handlers = [
    'foo'=>function($handler, $in, \Tempe\HandlerContext $context) { return 'foo'; },
    'bar'=>function($handler, $in, \Tempe\HandlerContext $context) { return 'bar'; },
$lang = new \Tempe\Lang\Basic($handlers);
$renderer = new \Tempe\Renderer($lang);

echo $renderer->render('{= foo }{= bar }');

NOTE: The above handlers contain a fairly verbose way of representing the arguments. The rest of this guide will simply use ($h, $in, $ctx) as a shorthand for ($handler, $in, \Tempe\HandlerContext $context).

Handler Functions

Handler functions take three arguments:


An object containing the following properties:

  • name: the handler name
  • args: array of arguments to the handler
  • argc: number of arguments

Given the template {= h 1 2 3 }, name will be set to h, args will be set to [1, 2, 3], and argc will be set to 3.


Contains the input from any previous handlers in the chain (or an empty string if the handler is the first). This is quite similar to how STDIN works in unix. Handlers can return anything at all, so be sure to include some sanity checks if you want decent error handling (not just crap like "Object of class BlahBlah could not be converted to string".


An instance of Tempe\HandlerContext, which has the following properties:


The renderer which is calling the handler will be available here. You may call
`render` against it without any ill effects.


array or ArrayAccess instance containing the current scope.


0-indexed position of this handler in the chain.


Boolean, default `false`. Set this to `true` if you want each subsequent
handler in the chain to be ignored. You may still return a value from the handler
even if you set break to `true`.


The node in the parse tree corresponding to this handler's tag. Use this, combined
with `renderer`, to recurse::
    $myHandler = function($handler, $in, $context) {
        return $context->renderer->renderTree($context->node, $context->scope);

You may replace, modify or omit `$context->scope` if you wish.


The HandlerContext passed to a handler contains the node from the parse tree corresponding to the handler's tag. A node object contains the following properties:

  • type: Either \Tempe\Render::P_BLOCK or \Tempe\Renderer::P_VALUE.
  • line: The line in the template that this tag was opened on.
  • id: If the tag contains an id (the part before the colon {= myid: handler }, this will be available here, otherwise it will be null.
  • chain: The entire chain of handlers as an array of handler objects. Handler objects are described in handler-functions_.

If the node's type is \Tempe\Render::P_BLOCK, it will also have the nodes property. It will contain an array of nodes representing the block's contents.


Tempe\Renderer does not recurse block tags automatically:

$handlers = [
    'foo'=>function($h, $in, $ctx) { return 'foo'; },
    'bar'=>function($h, $in, $ctx) { throw new \Exception(); },
$lang = new \Tempe\Lang\Basic($handlers);
$renderer = new \Tempe\Renderer($lang);

echo $renderer->render('{# foo }{= bar }{/}');

The above example prints foo. The Exception is never triggered. If you want to write a handler that returns the contents of the block, you can make use of the HandlerContext to render the node recursively:

$handlers = [
    'foo'=>function($h, $in, $ctx) { 
        return $ctx->renderer->renderTree($ctx->node, $ctx->scope);
    'bar'=>function($h, $in, $ctx) { return 'bar'; },
$lang = new \Tempe\Lang\Basic($handlers);
$renderer = new \Tempe\Renderer($lang);

echo $renderer->render('{# foo }{= bar }{/}');

This time we get bar as our output.

If you do not pass $ctx->scope as the second argument to renderTree, you will lose access to the current scope inside the block. This may be exactly what you want, but it probably isn't. You are free to modify the scope as you please before passing it to renderTree.

You should be aware of the difference between using an array and using an instance of ArrayAccess as your scope if you are planning on making modifications in your block:

$handlers = [
    'block'=>function($h, $in, $ctx) { 
        $scope = $ctx->scope;
        $scope['foo'] = 'inside';
        return $ctx->renderer->renderTree($ctx->node, $scope);
    'get'=>function($h, $in, $ctx) { return $ctx->scope[$h->args[0]]; },
$renderer = new \Tempe\Renderer(new \Tempe\Lang\Basic($handlers));

$tpl = "{# block }{= get foo }{/} {= get foo }";

$scope = ['foo'=>'outside'];
assert("inside outside" == $renderer->render($tpl, $scope));

$scope = new \ArrayObject(['foo'=>'outside']);
assert("inside inside" == $renderer->render($tpl, $scope));


You can implement all of your validation as guard clauses directly in your handlers. You should throw \Tempe\Exception\Check if the clause fails. If you pass the node's line as the second argument, you will get better error messages.

$lang = new \Tempe\Lang\Basic(['myHandler'=>function($h, $in, $ctx) {
    if ($h->argc != 1) {
        $msg = "myHandler expects 1 argument, found {$h->argc}";
        throw new \Tempe\Exception\Check($msg, $ctx->node->line);
    if ($ctx->chainPos != 0) {
        $msg = "myHandler must be first in a chain, found at pos {$ctx->chainPos}";
        throw new \Tempe\Exception\Check($msg, $ctx->node->line);
    return $h->args[0];

This can get cumbersome if you have a lot of handlers, plus it will slow down rendering if you are doing quite a lot of checking on every single handler invocation.

A better place to do the checking is during parsing. Tempe\Lang\Basic comes with a simple way of specifying the most common rules, but you can pass arbitrary check functions as well. These rules will be applied at parse time:

$handlers = [
    'myHandler'=>function($h, $in, $ctx) {
        return $h->args[0];
$rules = [
    'myHandler'=>['argc'=>1, 'first'=>true],
$lang = new \Tempe\Lang\Basic($handlers, $rules);

// if you are creating the parser by hand, you must pass the language
$parser = new \Tempe\Parser($lang);
$renderer = new \Tempe\Renderer($lang, $parser);

// if you are allowing the renderer to create the default parser for you, 
// the language will also be passed.
$renderer = new \Tempe\Renderer($lang);

// throws "Handler 'myHandler' expected 1 arg(s), found 2 at line 1"
$renderer->render('{= myHandler a b }');

// throws "Handler 'myHandler' expected to be first, but found at pos 2 at line 1
$renderer->render('{= myHandler a | myHandler a b }');

You can also instruct the renderer to check while rendering if you like. This can be useful if you want to cache the parse tree and ensure that it is still valid during rendering, but it will slow the render down so it is off by default.

$renderer = new \Tempe\Renderer($lang, $parser, !!'check');

// use the default lang and parser
$renderer = new \Tempe\Renderer(null, null, !!'check');

// set it as a property instead
$renderer = new \Tempe\Renderer();
$renderer->check = true;

Available rules

argc - int

Handler argument count must be exactly equal to this

argMin - int

Handler argument count must not be less than this. Ignored if argc set.

argMax - int

Handler argument count must not be more than this. Ignored if argc set.

allowValue - bool, default: true

Set this to false to prevent the handler from being used on value tags

allowBlock - bool, default: true

Set this to false to prevent the handler from being used on block tags

chainable - bool, default: true

Set this to false if you want this to be the only handler in a chain. If chainable is false for handler lonesome::

    {= lonesome }
    {# lonesome }{/}

    {= foo | lonesome | bar }
    {= lonesome | bar }
    {= bar | lonesome }

last - bool, default: null

If true, no handlers can come after this one in a chain. Valid: {= foo | mustbelast }. Invalid: {= foo | mustbelast | bar }.

If false, this handler must not be last in a chain. Valid: {= foo | mustnotbelast | bar }. Invalid: {= foo | bar | mustnotbelast }.

first - bool, default: null

If true, this handler must be the first handler in the chain. Valid: {= mustbefirst | foo }. Invalid: {= foo | mustbefirst }

If false, this handler must not be first in the chain. Valid: {= foo | mustnotbefirst }. Invalid: {= mustnotbefirst }.

check - callable

Pass any function you like to this. It will receive the following arguments::

function check($handler, $node, $chainPos)

You MUST return true for the handler to pass. If you return something falsey or nothing at all, you receive a generic exception which may not be particularly helpful.

For the sake of your users, you should throw Tempe\Exception\Check with a descriptive message.

$handlers = [
    'foo'=>function($handler) {
        return $handler->args[0];
$rules = [
    'foo'=>['check'=>function($handler, $node, $chainPos) {
        if ($handler->args[0] != 'foo') {
            $msg = "For some reason, you can only pass 'foo' as the first argument";
            throw new \Tempe\Exception\Check($msg, $node->line);
        return true;
$lang = new \Tempe\Lang\Basic($handlers, $rules);


Tempe\Parser will take a template and turn it into a parse tree.

Perhaps the best way of demonstrating how the parser works is to show you the output of Tempe\Helper::dumpNode($node).

$tpl = "
Here's a value tag. The handler is 'hello':
{= hello world }

Here's a chained value tag:
{= foo bar | baz qux | ding dang dong }

Ooh, escape sequence:
{=; foo bar }
{#; foo bar }{/; }

Here's a named block tag with some stuff inside:
{# mystuff: group }
    {= pants }
    {# morestuff }{= pants }{/}
{/ mystuff }
$parser = new \Tempe\Parser();

The output (columns are depth, line, type or id, and info)::

0   1 P_ROOT          |  
1   1   P_STRING      |  "Here's a value tag. ..."
1   2   P_VALUE       |  hello (world)
1   2   P_STRING      |  "\n\nHere's a chained v..."
1   5   P_VALUE       |  foo (bar) -> baz (qux) -> ding (dang dong)
1   5   P_STRING      |  "\n\nOoh, escape sequen..."
1   8   P_ESC         |  
1   8   P_STRING      |  "{ foo bar }\n\nHere's..."
1  11   mystuff       |  group ()
2  11     P_STRING    |  "\n    "
2  12     P_VALUE     |  pants ()
2  12     P_STRING    |  "\n    "
2  13     P_BLOCK     |  morestuff ()
3  13       P_VALUE   |  pants ()
2  13     P_STRING    |  "\n"

NOTE: If you run \Tempe\Helper::dumpNode() from the CLI, you will get fancy formatting in the output. It's actually quite nice, I initially regretted wasting the time writing it but it has proven invaluable.

Completely Custom Language

You don't like, want or need what Tempe\Lang\Basic offers? No problem! Just implement Tempe\Lang yourself:

class MyLang implements \Tempe\Lang
    function check($handler, $node, $chainPos)
        return true;

    function handle($handler, $in, \Tempe\HandlerContext $context)
        switch ($handler->name) {
        case 'foo': return "foo "; break;
        case 'bar': return "bar "; break;
        default: return $handler->name."(".implode(", ", $handler->args).") ";

    function handleEmpty(\Tempe\HandlerContext $context)
        return "<empty>";
$lang = new MyLang();
$renderer = new \Tempe\Renderer($lang);
echo $renderer->render("{= foo }{= bar }{= baz qux }{=}");


foo bar baz(qux) <empty>