
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

PHP cron

2.0.0 2015-09-14 01:42 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-10-21 07:26:35 UTC


Phonycron is a PHP-based parser for a vixie cron schedule. It was created in order to allow a cron schedule to be versioned and managed as part of a PHP project, while maintaining compatibility with an existing complex crontab.

It is not 100% complete, but it should be compatible with almost every cron job you will ever use. See the Limitations section for more information.

Supports PHP 5.6 to 7.2.

For PHP 5.3 to 5.5 users, this may continue to work but if it breaks, the last tested version available for PHP `<= 5.5` can be found here:


Phonycron can be installed using Composer by ensuring your composer.json file contains the following:

    "require": {
        "shabbyrobe/phonycron": "2.0.*"

You can also download Phonycron directly from the GitHub <>_ page.


Create a crontab file called crontab in your project with the following contents:

# every minute
* * * * * script1.php

# every hour
0 * * * * script2.php

Add script1.php and script2.php to your project:

// script1.php
echo "Script 1";
// script2.php
echo "Script 2";

Create a PHP script called cron.php in your project with the following:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$crontab = file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/crontab');
$controller = new \Phonycron\Controller($crontab, __DIR__);

Or do things the hard way if you prefer:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

// Parse the crontab 
$tz = new \DateTimeZone('Australia/Melbourne');
$parser = new Phonycron\Parser($tz);
$jobs = $parser->parse(file_get_contents(__DIR__.'/crontab'));

// Create a runner and optional output handler
$cronWorkingDirectory = __DIR__;
$runner = new Phonycron\SystemRunner($cronWorkingDirectory);
$runner->outputHandler = new Phonycron\EchoOutputHandler();

// Run all jobs that are due to be run at time()
$runner->run($jobs, time());

Test it out:

php cron.php

Add to your system's cron to run every minute:

cat <( crontab -l ) <( echo "* * * * * php /path/to/your/project/cron.php" ) | crontab -

Phonycron is PSR-0 compliant, so you can use any autoloader that supports this standard.


Phonycron comes with a very limited set of output handlers and runners by default. It is very easy to create your own though.


Create your own custom runner by extending Phonycron\Runner and implementing the runDue method. This is called when a job is due to be run and is passed an instance of Phonycron\Job. The $command property of Phonycron\Job contains the command portion of the crontab entry.

If you would like your crontab to define PHP scripts to require, instead of system commands to run, you could create a runner like so:

class RequireRunner extends Phonycron\Runner
    public $scriptDir;
    public function __construct($scriptDir)
        $this->scriptDir = $scriptDir;
    protected function runDue(Phonycron\Job $job)
        // careful - make sure your inputs are sanitised!
        $fullPath = realpath($this->scriptDir.'/'.$job->command);
        if (!$fullPath)
            throw new \RuntimeException("Script $fullPath not found");
        if (strpos($fullPath, $this->scriptDir)!==0)
            throw new \RuntimeException("Path breakout");

Output Handlers

Phonycron swallows all output by default. If your Phonycron\Runner has an instance of Phonycron\OutputHandler in its $outputHandler property, the output of each job will be passed to it.

If you want to log the output to a file, you could create an output handler like so:

class FileLogHandler implements OutputHandler
    public $file;
    public $handle;
    public function __construct($file)
        $this->file = $file;
        $this->handle = fopen($this->file, 'a');
    public function handle(Phonycron\Job $job, $output)
        fwrite($this->handle, $output.PHP_EOL);
    public function __destruct()


Phonycron doesn't implement 100% of the features that a typical unix system cron would implement.

  • Mix-n-match lists and ranges

    e.g. 1-15,32,55 * * * * for every minute for the first fifteen minutes, followed by once on the thirty-second minute and once on the fifty-fifth minute.

  • W modifier in the "day of month" field

    e.g. * * 3W * * for the nearest weekday to the 3rd of the month

  • # modifier in the "day of week" field

    e.g. 0 0 ? 1 3#2 for the second wednesday in January

  • @reboot macro


Phonycron is released under an MIT license. Details are in the LICENSE file.