
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Data Mapper and Active Record implementation for MySQL and SQLite

5.0.0-beta.6 2021-04-06 14:38 UTC


⚠️ NOTE: This has been rendered obsolete with the addition of native support for attributes in PHP 8. It was good back in 2012 but its time has long past and it will receive no further updates and probably doesn't work with anything beyond PHP 5.x.

Amiss - Stupid, Simple, Fast!

Amiss is a Data Mapper and Active Record implementation for MySQL and PHP 5.6 or greater.

Amiss does not try to be a fully-fledged ORM that cooks you breakfast, walks the dog and gives your schema its daily back massage, it only tries to take the monotony and repetition out of retrieving simple objects and simple relationships from a database that already exists.

Its not the fanciest ORM on the block, but its brutal simplicity may make it a better candidate for your next throwaway project or prototype than PHP's premier ORM behemoth Doctrine <http://doctrine->, the dated interface of Propel <>, or the tight coupling of your favourite framework's own model layer.

It is unapologetic about being stupid, simple and fast.


Amiss is licensed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE` for more info.