
WebEd shortcode integration

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

4.0.1 2017-09-17 10:40 UTC


#WebEd shortcode Total downloads Latest Stable Version License

####Documentation Shortcode already enabled by WebEd. You cannot turn off it.

####Quick use To register shortcode, just put this in your module service provider:

add_shortcode('revslider', function ($shortcode, $content, $compiler, $name) {
     * @var \WebEd\Base\Shortcode\Compilers\Shortcode $shortcode
     * @var string $content
     * @var \WebEd\Base\Shortcode\Compilers\ShortcodeCompiler $compiler
     * @var string $name
     // put your magic here...

Compile your shortcode

do_shortcode('some string with shortcode [revslider id=17 class="revolution-slider"]', $stripContent = false);