
SimpleSAMLphp base installation project

1.14.3 2017-04-25 16:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-03-27 18:44:57 UTC


This packages create a new SimpleSAMLphp installation based on its latest stable version.

Installation with Composer

Just run this to create a new installation:

composer.phar create-project sgomez/simplesamlphp-base simplesamlphp

Configuring simpleSAMLphp

Please, read the official documentation.


You need to configure the enviroment variable SIMPLESAMLPHP_CONFIG_DIR with the /config directory path. If you don't do this, simpleSAMLphp will search the config directory inside /vendor. Ex.:


You will find the usual template folders config-templates and metadata-templates as links to the original folders (inside vendors). Inside the config folder you can see a config.php.dist file. You should use this template to create your own config.php instead the one inside config-template. Basically this file its configured to search the metadata and other config files from the root installation path instead the vendor simpleSAMLphp installation. The changes you fill find are:

$config = array(
    'certdir' => __DIR__.'/../cert/',
    'loggingdir' => __DIR__.'/../var/log/',
    'datadir' => __DIR__.'/../var/data/',
    'metadata.sources' => array(
        array('type' => 'flatfile', 'directory' => __DIR__ . '/../metadata'),

Updating simpleSAMLphp

If a new version of simpleSAMLphp is released, all you need to do is this:

composer.phar update

You are free to install new simpleSAMLphp modules as usual without restore the composer.json before updating, because you are using it as a library.

Enable or disable modules

Because you shouldn't touch the vendor directory to enable or disable the simpleSAMLphp modules, you must use the 'module.enable' option in config.php.