This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Module for Zend Framework 2

dev-master 2017-06-13 17:58 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-01-06 16:13:17 UTC


            Zend On Rails by Sergej Hoffmann 0.9.1beta

This Module implements some functions of Ruby On Rails, such as the ActiveRecord Pattern and Migrations

                    ZendOnRails Instruction

Installation required programs.

  sudo apt-get install php7.0 php7.0-zip php7.0-intl php7.0-xml php7.0-sqlite
  sudo apt-get install composer
  sudo apt-get install git

Installation packages.

Create Project Folder.
        mkdir <project_folder>
Navigate to the project folder.
        cd <project_folder>
Install the required packages with "Composer".

        composer require sevenways / zor: dev-master


        alias ​​zor = 'vendor/sevenways/zor/bin/zor.php'

or use


                  Working with ZendOnRails module
  zor.php create project [--path=]    Create an application. It uses  ZendApplicatioSkeleton
  [--path]    Optional if workspace differently

  zor.php create module --name= [--path=]    Create a module. It uses ZendModuleSkeleton

  [--name]    Name of Module
  [--path]    Optional if workspace differently

  zor.php create fmodule --require= [--path=]    Create a foreign module from

  [--require]    Package name from
  [--path]       Optional if workspace differently

  zor.php create database [--name=] [--driver=] [--username=] [--password=]    Create a database adapter. Default Sqlite

  [--name]        Name of tabel
  [--driver]      Zend Farmework supports drivers
  [--username]    Database username
  [--password]    Database password

  zor.php generate ctrl --name= [--module=] [--actions=]    Generate a controller

  [--name]       Name of controller
  [--module]     Name of module. Default: "Application"
  [--actions]    Names of actions. Default: "index"

  zor.php generate act [--cname=] [--module=] [--actions=]    Generate the actions for a controller

  [--cname]      Name of controller
  [--module]     Name of module. Default:"Application"
  [--actions]    Names of actions. Default: "index"

  zor.php generate model [--name=] [--module=] [--columns=]    Generate a model with ActiveRecord pattern

  [--name]       Name of model
  [--module]     Name of module. Default:"Application"
  [--columns]    A string of attributs.

  Structure of the string for the Columns: first_name:type{length}:primerykey/uniquekey,next_column:type{length}:Primerykey/uniquekey,...

  zor.php generate migration [--name=] [--columns=]    Generate a migration

  [--name]       Name of migration
  [--columns]    A string of attributs

  Structure of the string for the Columns: 


  zor.php run server [--host=] [--port=] [--path=]    Run buildin PHP server

  [--host]    Name of migration. Default: "localhost"
  [--port]    Port nummber. Default: "8080"
  [--path]    Path to index.php. Default: "/public"

  zor.php db migrate [--version]     Run migration to database
  zor.php db rollback [--version]    Run rollback to database

  [--version]    Version of migration. Default: any
           Working with ActiveRecord

Create database / model. The ZOR generated the model and migration with command:

  zor.php generate model [--name =] [--module=] [--columns=]

The attributes id, created_at, and updated_at are generated automatically. There are two ways to create the model:

First method: The generator binds every generated Model in Service Manager. This allows us to create the access from controller with the following call:

$obj = $this->serviceLocator->get('Namespace\Model\ModelName');

Because each ActiveRecord object implements an AdapterAwareInterface, Database Adapter is automatically added by the ServiceManager.

Second method: Via normal object generation, you have to transfer the database adapter to created object.

$obj = new ModelName();
$obj-> setDbAdapter($adapterObject);
            Add and modify records

The records can be added in two ways.

$obj->create(array (field_name1 => value, field_name2 => value, ...));
$obj->bind(array (field_name1 => value, field_name2 => value, ...));

Where bind() method is to execute save() method.

$obj->update_attributes(array (field_name1 => 'value', field_name2 => 'value', ...));
$obj->columnName = 'value';

For the individual changes of the values, one must execute the save() method.


Useful methods:

$obj->isNewRecord();   // Verifies if Model is stored in the database.

$obj->isChanged();     // Returns whether a column value has been changed
        Working with individual entries
first($like=1) - returns the first entry from the database
last($like=1) - returns the last entry from the database
all() - returns all entries from the database
take($like) - is synonymous with first() where argument $like is required
find($id) - searches for one or more entries in the database by attributes(PrimaryKey). For multiple entries, you must pass ID as array().
find_by_attribute($name, $argument) - looks for an entry using the attribute name and value.

find_or_create_by_attribute ($column, $argument, $_) - this function checks if an entry exists, otherwise it inserts new.

With $_ variable you can pass an array with associated attributes and their value.

There are called magical methods:

find_by_* ($value);
find_or_create_by_* ($value, $_=null);

Instead of the asterisk, set the name of the attribute.

        Working with relationship 1:N

You have to make the settings in both models:

In the Model_1:

protected $ has_many = array('model_N' => array('class' => 'Namespace\ModelName');

In the Model_N:

protected $ belongs_to = array('model_1' => array ('class' => 'Namespace\ModelName', 'foreign_key_attribute' => 'model_name_id', 'foreign_key' => null);

$nModel = $ obj->NameOfNModel(); //gets new N-model

$obj->NameOfNModel()->create(array(field_name => value));
$all_n_mdele = $obj->NameOfNModel()->all(); // returns an array of N-relationship models.
        Working with relationship M:N

M:N relationships need one third Tabele, we can create one by means of generator the tabele.

Generate model Model_B[--module =] --columns=Model_M:references, Model_N:references

In the Model_B:

protected $ has_many = array('Model_M' => array ('class' => 'Namespace\ModelName_M'),
                             'Model_N' => array('class' => 'Namespace\ModelName_N'));

In the Model_M:

protected $ has_many = array ('Model_N' => array('class' => 'Namespace\ModelName','through' => 'Model_B');

In the Model_N:

protected $ belongs_to = array ('Model_M' => array ('class' => 'namespace\ModelName', 'foreign_key_attribute' => 'model_name_id', 'foreign_key' => null);