
A Simple logger library

1.0.2 2013-02-08 06:36 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-13 11:39:59 UTC



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This is a basic logging utility. It supports a file based logger and a MongoDB based logger. Each log provider has different settings which I'll go over below. The way this util is set up should make it easy to implement whatever provider your project requires (another database, a different NoSQL store, a web service, etc).

##Features & Goodies##

  • Easy to configure and use
  • Multiple log levels. DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR
  • Log exceptions with stacktrace. Just pass an Exception to a Slogger method.
  • Can be re-configured the middle of your app (see below)
  • Create multiple Loggers with different Providers/settings
  • Easily implement any Provider you want (Mongodb, SQL, Memcacheq, Beanstalkd, Redis, etc)
  • It's fast, Unit Tested, and well documented


The File provider is pretty basic. It supports a few configuration options as described below:

The default config looks like this:

$config = array(
	'enabled'	 => false,
	'logfile'	 => dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . 'tmp/logs/application.log',
	'level'		 => \Sesser\Slogger\Slogger::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
	'serializer' => NULL,
	'dateFormat' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s'

Most of those are pretty self explanatory. You'll notice that it defaults to ISlogger::LEVEL_ERROR and is disabled. The logfile setting is the path to the actual log file. The logging util is built as a singleton but you can create multipe file loggers by specifying a different logfile when you call Slogger::Get('MyLogger')

The serializer setting is there to provide you with your own serializer for the objects that you log. By default, if you pass anything other than a string, Slogger uses print_r($obj, true). This setting must be callable (via is_callable()) or it won't work.

Setting up a simple File logger

Here's how to doit...


$serializer = function($obj) {
	if (is_string($obj))
		return $obj;
	return json_encode($obj, true);
//-- Somewhere in your application...
Slogger::Configure('MyLogger', array(
	'provider' => 'File',
	'settings' => array(
		'enabled' 	=> true,
		'level'		=> \Sesser\Slogger\Slogger::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,
		'logfile' 	=> '/tmp/myapp.log',
		'serializer'=> $serializer

//-- When you need your logger... get it
$log = Logger::Get('MyLogger');

$log->Debug("This is a debug message");
$log->Error("Exception caught! See below");

If you want to get the same logger in another class, you don't have to pass all the same settings when you called it the first time. Just pass the logfile setting and Logger will find the correct logger you're looking for.

$log = Slogger::Get('MyLogger');

If you want to change the way the logger is configured (say you want to programmatically turn on debug or disable logging altogether), simply call configure with your updated configuration array and it willl automatically pickup the changes the next time you call $log = Slogger::Get('MyLogger');


NB: This hasn't been implemented yet. But will be shortly.

The Mongodb provider was born out of curiosity more than any need. I first thought about a regular DB (like MySQL) but I'm not sure anyone wants their app bound to database writes when things go south and app starts logging errors all frantic like because of an edge case. Anyway, the configuration for the Mongo provider is a little different but does share some similar settings.

	$config = array(
		'enabled'	=> false,
		'level'		=> \Sesser\Slogger\Slogger::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,
		'server'	=> array(
			'dsn'		=> 'mongodb://',
			'db'		=> 'applog',
			'options'	=> array(
				'timeout' => 1000
		'serializer' => NULL

The name setting here is kinda like the logfile setting in the File logger. It provides a unique identifier for a particular logger (e.g. you can have multiple loggers in one app). The server config array is basic all what gets passed to the Mongo constructor so make sure these settings are correct. The server -> options array is optional but there if you need it. If you need to override any of the defaults (or add your own), just pass in an empty array for the options (or add keys that you need).

##Other tid-bits##

This project as some test cases and all the ones I've written pass. That doesn't mean it's inclusive of all scenarios and use-cases. If you find a particular use-case, please either update the tests or file an issue here on GitHub.

This project also uses the new(er) ApiGen. To generate the API docs, simply navigate to the src directory in a terminal and type apigen. This assumes you have ApiGen installed correctly and that apigen is in your path.