
This library allows you to quickly and easily send emails through Serious.Email using PHP.

dev-master 2017-10-23 16:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 20:03:40 UTC


This is a PHP class to help access the Serious.Email API. The Serious.Email API leverages Serious Email's HTML email templating system and analytics while allowing you to trigger sends from your own server. You may send one or more emails simutaneously and as many emails as your account allows.


You can see and test the Serious Email API here: DEMO


This class requires an account

Getting Started

You can install this package via Composer or manually.


Add SeriousEmail to your composer.json file.

  "require": {
    "seriousemail/seriousemail-php": "dev-master"

At the top of your PHP script require the autoloader:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';


If you're not using composer, you can Download this package (example included) to help you trigger email sends at


This API requires that you set up a few things at

  1. Generate a public_api_key and api_secret

Note the api_secret and keep in a safe place as it will only be revealed once. In the event you forget it, you'll need to regenerate your keys again.

  1. Create a subscribers list

Subscribers that you add via this API will be saved to this list. This enables comprehensive analytics, future sends and data back-up.

  1. Create a campaign and note it's ID

You will include this ID when using this API to trigger a send.

Use the settings dialog to indicate a default subcriber list, default test subscriber list, sender name and sender email.

  1. Create an email template and note it's ID

This is the template that will be sent to your remotely added subscribers.

  1. Use the example provided as a basis for adding your own content.

Now that you have set-up everything at and you've installed this package - you can start sending emails. Below is an example script for accessing the API and sending an email:


//require 'vendor/autoload.php'; //use this if installed via Composer.
require_once('lib/SeriousEmail/SeriousEmail.php'); //manual installation

$api_secret = 'YOUR_API_SECRET';
$se = new SeriousEmail($api_secret);

//an example of adding and sending to 2 subscribers...
$data = array(
  	'public_api_id' => 'YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY', 
  	'campaign_id' => 89,
  	'template_id' => 442,
  	'from_name' => 'John Smith',
  	'from_email' => '',
  	'recipient_info' => array(		
  					array (								
  						'first_name' => 'Sam',
  						'last_name' => 'Lamb',
  						'email' => '',
  						'subject' => 'custom subject 1',
  						'custom' => array(
  								'Points' => 92,
  								'Balance' => 500,
  					array (								
  						'first_name' => 'Bob',
  						'last_name' => 'Smith',
  						'email' => '',
  						'subject' => 'custom subject 2',
  						'custom' => array(
  								'Points' => 500,
  								'Balance' => 20,

$send = $se->send($data);

  echo $send->feedback;

api_secret is required. Please do not expose your api_secret.

public_api_key is required. This gets passed in your $data array.

campaign_id is required. You get this from your account at This gets passed in your $data array.

template_id is required. You get this from your acccount at This gets passed in your $data array.

recipient_info is required. At least one recipient must be added to recipient_info. You can add as many as your account allows. recipient_info must include an 'email' address, but all other information is optional. If you wish to personalize your template with the first_name or last_name you simply include %%first_name%% and/or %%last_name%% in your template. This gets passed in your $data array. This is also true for 'custom' data.

'custom' data can be sent. You can include as much custom data as you'd like. Populating your template with this data is easy. You'd simply wrap the array index name in double percentage signs and include it in your Serious Email template.

For example:


<title>An example of how to populate a template with dynamic (custom) data</title>



<p>You have %%Points%% and your balance is %%Balance%%.</p>



Turn on debugging for feedback as to what is happening with your call to the Serious.Email API

$send = $se->send($data, 1);

    echo $send->feedback;

CURL issues

A note about CURL. CURL can be a bit painful for some. Especially with LOCALHOST. If you're having difficulty making a connection - Sharwan Kami (Thank you for pointing this out) found success by adding the following to the CURL options in SeriousEmail.php:

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 1000);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 1000);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

There are some security risks with the above so don't leave the above code in your production environment.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details