
Translate textual date representations into Spanish

v1.0 2021-10-24 18:16 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-10 00:08:14 UTC


A simple extension of the native DateTime class that allows to represent months and days of the week in Spanish.


You can achieve this with the setlocale function, but it relies on you having the locale installed on your system, plus to being an ugly global setting.



echo (new DateTimeSpanish)->setDate(2020, 1, 6)->format('l, d F Y');
// Return "Lunes, 06 Enero 2020"

// Instead of:

echo (new DateTime)->setDate(2020, 1, 6)->format('l, d F Y');
// Return "Monday, 06 January 2020"