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Nice crypto package

v2.0.0 2019-05-09 12:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-09 23:06:57 UTC


NiceCrypto is a simple and powerful crypto library written in php based on openssl extension


composer require sergey-bel/nicecrypto


Use PrivateKey and PublicKey classes to work with keys pairs;

$yourPrivateKey = '-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY...';
$passphrase = 'your secret password';
$privateKey = new PrivateKey($yourPrivateKey, $passphrase);
$yourPublicKey = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY...';
$publicKey = new PublicKey($yourPublicKey);

To generate pem keys use PemGenerator

// generate private and public keys and save in files
$generator = new  PemGenerator();
$privateKey = $generator->generatePrivateKey();
$publicKey = $generator->generatePublicKey($privateKey);
file_put_contents('private.pem', $privateKey->toString());
file_put_contents('public.pem', $publicKey->toString());

If you need use options (passphrase, bits length, etc) use GenerateOptions class

// generate key pair 2048 bit length and encrypted with passphrase
$bitsLength = 2048;
$passphrase = 'password';
$options = new GenerateOptions();
$generator = new PemGenerator();

$privateKey = $generator->generatePrivateKey($options);
$publicKey = $generator->generatePublicKey($privateKey);


Cipher class is used for symmetric encryption\decryption (AES for example)

$key = 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff';
$iv =  'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee';
$m = 'some string';
$c = '596864655a4f71315a357164353045734566676d35513d3d';
$cipher = new Cipher(CipherAlgotithms::AES256, CipherModes::CBC);
$c = $cipher->encrypt($m, $key, $iv);
$message = $cipher->decrypt($c, $key, $iv); // 'some string'

You can generate key and iv by RandomGenerator

$generator = new RandomGenerator();
$cipher = new Cipher(CipherAlgotithms::AES256, CipherModes::CBC);
$key = $generator->generateRandomBytes(32); //256 bits key
$iv = $generator->generateRandomBytes($cipher->getIvBytesLength());
// encrypt\decrypt using key and iv


Hash class is used for calculate cryptographic hash functions

$hash = new Hash(HashAlgorithms::SHA256);
$text = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';
$h = $h->hash($text); //'d7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb762d02d0bf37c9e592'


Signature is used for sign and verify cryptographic signatures

$privateKey = new PrivateKey('your private key');
$s = new Signature(new Hash(HashAlgorithms::SHA256));
$signature =  $s->sign($data, $privateKey);
$publicKey = new PublicKey('your public key');
$result = $signature->verify($data, $signature, $publicKey); //true

Csr and X509 certificates

Create csr certificate

$dn = new CsrInfo();
   ->setOrganizationName("The Brain Room Limited")
   ->setOrganizationalUnitName("PHP Documentation Team")
   ->setCommonName("Wez Furlong")

$privateKey = (new PemGenerator())->generatePrivateKey();
$gen = new CsrGenerator();
$csr = $gen->generateCsr($dn, $privateKey);
file_put_contents('req.csr', $csr->getAsString());

Create x509 certificate from csr certificate

$dn = new CsrInfo();
   ->setOrganizationName('The Brain Room Limited')
   ->setOrganizationalUnitName('PHP Documentation Team')
   ->setCommonName('Wez Furlong')

$privateKey = (new PemGenerator())->generatePrivateKey();
file_put_contents('priv.pem', $privateKey->getAsString());
$gen = new CsrGenerator();
$csr = $gen->generateCsr($dn, $privateKey);
file_put_contents('req.csr', $csr->getAsString());
$x509Generator = new X509Generator();
$x509 = $x509Generator->generateX509($csr, $privateKey);
file_put_contents('x509.cert', $x509->getAsString());