
parse a php file and get the used namespaces

v0.3.1 2016-10-31 01:39 UTC


This library can be used to parse an PHP file and response all used namespaces in this file.


Add this repository to your composer.json as below:

    "require-dev": {
        "seretos/php-file-parser": "0.3.x-dev"



use PHPFileParser\PHPPackageParser;

$parser = new PHPPackageParser();

$classMap = ['my\\FullNamespace\\class' => __DIR__.'/path/to/file.php'];

$calls = $parser->parse($classMap);     //returns all used classes which not part of the classMap

foreach($calls as $class => $source){
    print_r('class ' .$class . ' is used in ' . $source);


use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder;
use PHPFileParser\PHPFileParser;
use PHPFileParser\Parser\NewParser;
use PHPFileParser\Parser\StaticParser;
use PHPFileParser\Parser\ExtendsParser;
use PHPFileParser\Parser\ImplementsParser;
use PHPFileParser\Parser\CatchParser;
use PHPFileParser\Parser\ArgumentParser;
use PHPFileParser\Parser\AnnotationParser;

$finder = new Finder();

foreach($finder as $file){
    $parser = new PHPFileParser($file);
    $parser->addParser(new NewParser());        // parse new operations like $var = new MyClass();
    $parser->addParser(new StaticParser());     // parse static operations like MyClass::class;
    $parser->addParser(new ExtendsParser());    // parse extended base classes
    $parser->addParser(new ImplementsParser()); // parse implemented class interfaces
    $parser->addParser(new CatchParser());      // parse the catched exception classes
    $parser->addParser(new ArgumentParser());   // parse the type hints in function arguments
    $parser->addParser(new AnnotationParser()); // parse the annotation type declarations
    $parser->addParser(new InstanceOfParser()); // parse instanceof operations
    $parser->parse();               // parse the php file
    $parser->getCalls();            // get an array of used classes (with fully qualified namespace)
    $parser->getNamespaces();       // returns an array with namespaces. every item has an 'use' and an 'alias' key
    $parser->getAllUsedNamespaces() // get all used classes (getCalls and getAnnotationCalls) and remove all doubles
    $parser->getNamespace();        // returns null or the current namespace