
更方便的管理您的定时任务,实时暂停、启动、修改定时任务的执行时间等等 With this package, you can better manage your multifarious timing tasks, just define an execution entry that can be implemented more flexibly by manipulating database data for timing, opening, closing, setting up time, and so on.Description: the task manager imple

dev-master 2018-08-03 01:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-21 04:01:26 UTC



With this package, you can better manage your multifarious timing tasks, just define an execution entry that can be implemented more flexibly by manipulating database data for timing, opening, closing, setting up time, and so on.

Description: the task manager implements the flexibility of multiple processes. After the task is opened, each task takes up a sub process and automatically releases after completion.

Preparation: installation extension

To implement the multiple processes of PHP, we need two extensions pcntl and POSIX, which can be added at compile time: - enable-pcntl, do not use - disable-pcntl, POSIX is the default installation. PHP multi process modules rely on pcntl extensions

Start using:




要实现PHP的多进程,我们需要两个扩展pcntl和posix,在编译时可以加入:–enable-pcntl,不要使用–disable-pcntl,posix是默认安装的。 php多进程模块依赖pcntl扩展


1、安装 Install

composer require senman/yii2-crontab-manager dev-master


将vender/yii2-crontab-manager/目录下的 cron-manager.sql导入到数据库或者执行 yii migrate 命令导入数据库

Execute the database import Import cron-manager.sql from vender/yii2-crontab-manager/ directory into database

3、添加任务 Add tasks

name: 任务名称 Task name


status:任务状态,1:正常运行,0:终止运行 Task state, 1: normal operation, 0: terminate operation

start_time:开始运行时间 Start running time

interval_time:间隔时间,具体单位取决于type的类型 Interval time, the specific unit depends on the type of type

type:字段含义 0:间隔时间单位为秒,1:间隔时间单位为分钟,2:间隔时间单位为小时,3:间隔时间单位为天,4:间隔时间单位为周,5:间隔时间单位为月

0: the interval time unit is second, 1: the interval time unit is minute, 2: the interval time unit is hour, 3: the interval time unit is day, 4: the interval time unit is week, 5: the interval time unit is the month.

path:执行路径 Execution path

module:所属模块 Subordinate module

sort:任务执行的优先顺序,数字越大,越先执行 The priority of task execution, the greater the number, the more advanced.

create_time:创建时间 Creation time

将任务添加到数据库 Add the task to the database

   $cron_config_model=new CronConfig();
   $cron_config_model->start_time="2018-05-07 00:15:00";
   $cron_config_model->create_time="2018-05-28 11:53:19";

3、编写脚本入口 Write the entry of the script

在项目根目录的console\controllers目录创建CrontabController.php文件,如下: Create the CrontabController.php file in the console\controllers directory of the project root directory, as follows:

namespace console\controllers;

use Crontab\models\CronConfig;

use yii\console\Controller;

class CrontabController extends Controller{

    public function actionCrontab(){

4、执行任务 Carry out the task

执行命令:php yii crontab/crontab 即可开始按照预设条件进行任务处理

Execute the command: PHP Yii crontab/crontab

You can start handling tasks according to preset conditions

5、建议将该命令加入到linux的定时任务任务中,根据需要设定运行间隔时间,例如1分钟跑一次 it is recommended that the command be added to the Linux timed task, and set the running interval according to the requirement, such as running once in 1 minutes.



7、如有任何疑问欢迎加入QQ群:338461207 进行交流 if you have any questions, welcome to join QQ group: 338461207