
a package for handle api errors

v1.4.3 2023-08-07 10:19 UTC


a useful package for handle your exception when you are developing a API

📥 Installation

you can install this package via Composer:

composer require hamidreza2005/laravel-api-error-handler

and after installation you can run following command to publish config files

php artisan vendor:publish --tag laravel-api-error-handler

⚙️ Configuration

for configure this package go to config/api-error-handler.php

return [  
  "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException" => "\hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\NotFoundException",  
  "ErrorException" => "\hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\ServerInternalException",  
  "Illuminate\Database\QueryException" => "\hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\ServerInternalException",  
  "Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException" => "\hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\AccessDeniedException",  
  "Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException" => "\hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\AccessDeniedException",  
  "Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException" => "\hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\ValidationException", 

this package provide some common exception like ModelNotFound But if you want to customize it you can do like this :

return [  
  "Your Error Namespace" => "the class that handle this error",   
Class Status Code Message
NotFoundException 404 Not Found
ServerInternalException 500 Server Internal Error
AccessDeniedException 403 Access Denied
ValidationException 422 it returns all errors in validation
DefaultException the status code of the Error the message of the Error

🚀 let this package get your Errors

go to the app\Exceptions\Handler.php and put this code:

namespace App\Exceptions;  
use hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Traits\ApiErrorHandler;  
use Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler as ExceptionHandler;  
use Throwable;  
class Handler extends ExceptionHandler  
	  use ApiErrorHandler;  
	 * A list of the exception types that are not reported. * * @var 		array  
	 protected $dontReport = [  
	 * A list of the inputs that are never flashed for validation exceptions. * * @var array  
	 protected $dontFlash = [  
	 * Register the exception handling callbacks for the application. * * @return void  
	 public function register()  
	 public function render($request, Throwable $e)  
		  return $this->handleError($this->prepareException($e));  

Make Your Own Error Handler!

if you want to make your own handler instead of using default handler you can make a class in everywhere you want but your class have to Extends hamidreza2005\LaravelApiErrorHandler\Exceptions\ExceptionAbstract

for Example:

namespace myNamespace;  
class MyException extends ExceptionAbstract  
	  public function handleStatusCode():void  
		  $this->statusCode = 2018;  
	  public function handleMessage():void  
		  $this->message = "My Message";  

and you can do like this in config/api-error-handler.php:


return [
	"ErrorException" => "myNamespace\MyException"

❗ Notice

if an unknown Exception appeared this package automaticlly show it in the response but if you don't want that you can set APP_DEBUG to false in .env . when APP_DEBUG is false Server Internal shown in response

📜 License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

🙋 Contributing

If you find an issue, or have a better way to do something, feel free to open an issue , or a pull request.