
Quick file finder for Laravel framework

v1.4 2019-05-29 12:28 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 11:34:18 UTC


Getting started

You must first install the package. Please run the command:

composer require seni/filefinder

You must to add the package service provider to your project:

`'providers' => [ ...

Seni\FileFinder\FileFinderServiceProvider::class, .....]` to 

Backend of the package

Create a new controller. Add a package to your controller

use Seni\FileFinder\File;

Available methods:

  • File::allAccessibleFiles([value, ...]);
  • File::searchByKeyword($accessibleFiles, $keyword);
  • File::storeFile($uploadedFile, $filename, $userFileDir = 'shared', $disk = 'public');
  • File::downloadFile($filepath);
  • File::deleteFile($filepath);

In the index method, you can use

File::allAccessibleFiles([value, ...]);, as parameters the method expect accessible directory/ies and disk('local' / 'public'). The accessible directory/ies is array of directory/directories which you give the users to access. You can define global variable, that you can use in the controller. The disk have a default value - public, if you want you can change it.


public $accessibleDirectories = ['shared', 1];


The method will return array of files that are accessible.

The method File::searchByKeyword($accessibleFiles, $keyword) you can use to find file/s that contain the searchable keyword. As parameters the method expects array of accessible file and keyword - string. The method return array of file/files, that respond.


    $keyword = $request->input('search');
    $accessibleFiles = File::allAccessibleFiles($this->accessibleDirectories);
    $files = File::searchByKeyword($accessibleFiles, $keyword); 

The other available method is File::storeFile($uploadedFile, $filename, $userFileDir = 'shared', $disk = 'public'); The method stores the files to the store folder of your project. As parameters, the method expects $uploadedFile that is object, $filename that is string, $userFileDir that is string. By default $userFileDir is shared folder. If you want to store files to other folder (ex. $userId, $username), you can change directory. And the last parameter is $disk, by default is public directory.


 $uploadedFile = $request->file('upload_file');
 $filename = $uploadedFile->getClientOriginalName();
 File::storeFile($uploadedFile, $filename, $userId, $disk = 'public');

The package gives you option to download file with File::downloadFile($filepath, $disk = 'public'). To use it you must to set file path as parameter. You also can change $disk value.


    $filePath = '/files/shared/fileName.txt';
    return File::downloadFile($filePath);

And of course you can use delete file method from package. The method is File::deleteFile($filePath);. It work same as File::downloadFile($filepath, $disk = 'public'). You also can change $disk value.


    $filePath = '/files/shared/fileName.txt';
    return File::deleteFile($filePath);

UI of the package

You can use the package blade as you add return view('filefinder::index', ['files' => $files]);

Upload file /Input Type File/

To use the partial of the package, you need to use the following snippet @include('filefinder::partials.input_type_file')

When you use upload file component, you can add custom:

  • Button "Submit uploaded file"
    • class to the button - $submitButtonClasses - string
    • text to the button - $submitButtonText - string
  • Input "Upload File"
    • name - $inputName - string
    • file extensions - $fileExtensions - string
    • class to the component wrapper - $customClassesForFileWrapper- string
    • class to the input type file - $customClassesForInput- string
    • id to the input type file - $customIdForInput- string
    • class to the label - $customClassesForLabel - string
    • text to the label - $customLabelText - string
    • additional data attributes - $additionalDataAttributes - array


            ['customClassesForInput' => 'btn btn-default',
             'additionalDataAttributes' => ['dataAttribute' => 'value']

!NB You can create your custom component

Upload file /Input Type File/

To use the partial of the package, you need to use the following snippet @include('filefinder::partials.input_search')

When you use search field, you can add custom:

  • Search input
    • component wrapper - $customClassesForSearchWrapper - string
    • name - $searchName / default name: search - string
    • class for the input - $customClassesForSearchInput - string
    • placeholder for the input -$customSearchPlaceholder - string
  • Search button
    • class for the button - $submitButtonClasses - string
    • text for the button


            ['searchName' => 'search_field',
             'submitButtonClasses' => 'btn btn-default'

!NB You can create your custom component