
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A php script command setter

v0.4.1 2018-04-29 04:27 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-24 17:42:28 UTC



A package imitating Aritsan Console for writing command easier.


  1. Add Dependency
$ composer require senhung/command-line-interface
  1. Add a Entry for Command

Create a file in root directory and name it the command you want to call

For example create a file named example; calling the command line will be

$ php example <command>
  1. Edit Command Entry

Open the command entry file just created and add the following


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Senhung\CLI\CommandEntry;

/* Read through all commands in <change-folder-to-your-command-folder> */

/* When calling the script, execute the target command */


Create Command

Open the command folder and create a php script


namespace Some\Name\Space;

use Senhung\CLI\Command;

class YourClassName extends Command
     * @var string $signature
     * Set the signature of your command
     * <command> how you call the command
     * {:arguments} arguments will be filled in in order when call
     * {--options} options are like flags or parameters
    public $signature = '<command> {:arguments} {--options}';

     * @var string $description
     * Description of your command
     * Will be used in help command
    public $description = 'Description for <command>';

     * The executing function when calling the command
    public function handle()
         * Write your handling function here
         * You can get argument by: $this->getArgument('<argument-key>')
         * You can get option by: $this->getOption('<option-key>')

Default Values

You can set default value for argument and option by setting the signature like:

public $signature = '<command> {:arguments=some-default-value} {--options=some-default-value}';

Calling Command

You can call your command by:

$ php <entry-file-name> <command> <argument> <--opiton-as-a-flag> <--option-as-a-param=some-value>

You can mix up arguments and options, the package will recognize argument/options

Note: The order of arguments is important, but the order of options is not


Call the following to get all commands:

$ php <entry-file-name> help

You can add one more argument for getting specific function's description

$ php <entry-file-name> help <command>


Example Entry


/* file: example */

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Senhung\CLI\CommandEntry;



Example Command


/* file: Commands/Greet.php */

namespace Example;

use Senhung\CLI\Command;

class Greet extends Command
    protected $signature = 'greet {:name} {--with-exclamation} {--number-of-times=1}';

    protected $description = 'Greet people';

    public function handle()
        /* Repeat Greeting Times */
        $numberOfTimes = $this->getOption('number-of-times');

        /* Get Greeting Person's Name */
        $name = $this->getArgument('name');

        /* Check If Using Exclamation Point */
        $withExclamation = $this->getOption('with-exclamation');

        /* Repeat $numberOfTimes Times */
        for ($index = 0; $index < $numberOfTimes; $index++) {
            $greet = "Hello " . $name;

            if ($withExclamation) {
                $greet .= "!";

            $greet .= "\n";

            echo $greet;

Using Command

With Argument

$ php example greet Senhung


Hello Senhung

Note: If no argument is passed in, {:name} will be null

With Option (Flag)

$ php example greet Senhung --with-exclamation


Hello Senhung!

With Option (Parameter)

$ php example greet Senhung --with-exclamation --number-of-times=3


Hello Senhung!
Hello Senhung!
Hello Senhung!