
Create and run Illuminate\Database migration scripts

5.7.0 2019-01-03 00:50 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:10:30 UTC



Create and run Illuminate\Database migration scripts


$ composer global require schnittstabil/dartisan


$ dartisan --help

usage: dartisan <command> [<options>] [<args>]

  migrate            Run the database migrations.
  migrate:install    Create the migration repository.
  make:migration     Create a new migration file.
  migrate:reset      Rollback all database migrations.
  migrate:rollback   Rollback the last database migration.
  migrate:status     Show the status of each migration.
$ dartisan migrate --help
usage: dartisan migrate [<options>]

Run the database migrations.

  --connection-charset     The character set to use, defaults to DB_CHARSET and
  --connection-collation   MySQL only: The collation to use, defaults to
                           DB_COLLATION and "utf8_unicode_ci"
  --connection-database    The databse to use, defaults to DB_DATABASE and
  --connection-driver      The database driver to use, defaults to DB_DRIVER and
  --connection-host        The host to use, defaults to DB_HOST and "localhost"
  --connection-password    The password to use, defaults to DB_PASSWORD and ""
  --connection-prefix      The table prefix to use, defaults to DB_PREFIX and ""
  --connection-schema      PostgreSQL only: The schema to use, defaults to
                           DB_SCHEMA and "public"
  --connection-strict      MySQL only: Force strict mode, detaults to DB_STRICT
                           and false
  --connection-username    The username to use, defaults to DB_USERNAME and
  --help, -?               Display this help.
  --migration-path         The migration path to use, defaults to
                           DB_MIGRATION_PATH and "database/migrations"
  --migration-table        The migration table to use, defaults to
                           DB_MIGRATION_TABLE and "migrations"
  --path                   The path of migrations files to be executed.
  --pretend                Dump the SQL queries that would be run.
  --step                   Force the migrations to be run so they can be rolled
                           back individually.


MIT © Michael Mayer