
This extension facilitates the computation of BIP! Scholar research-level impact indicators.

v1.0.1 2022-05-05 14:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-10 16:20:11 UTC


This extension facilitates the computation of BIP! Scholar research-level impact indicators.

Installation in Yii2 projects

The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run:

composer require "schatzopoulos/yii2-scholar-indicators"

or add

"schatzopoulos/yii2-scholar-indicators": "*"

to the required section of your composer.json file and execute composer update.

Basic Usage


use schatzopoulos\scholarindicators\ScholarIndicators;

# mapping of impact fields
$impact_fields = [
  'popularity' => 'attrank',
  'influence' => 'pagerank',
  'impulse' => '3y_cc',
  'citations' => 'citation_count',
  'year' => 'year'

# different work types
$work_types = [
  'publication' => '',
  'dataset' => 1,

# provide impact data 
$impact_data = [
  0 => [
    'doi' => '10.1093/nar/gkx1141',
    'is_oa' => '1',
    'type' => NULL,
    'attrank' => '0.0000006354301544051926',
    'pagerank' => '0.000000028758916907015535',
    '3y_cc' => '229',
    'citation_count' => '406',
    'year' => '2017',
  1 => [
    'doi' => '10.1093/nar/gkw455',
    'is_oa' => '1',
    'type' => NULL,
    'attrank' => '0.000000029483090596793',
    'pagerank' => '0.0000000074224020960741795',
    '3y_cc' => '23',
    'citation_count' => '34',
    'year' => '2016',

# academic leaves 
$rag_data = [
  0 => [
    'id' => '159',
    'orcid' => '0000-0003-1714-5225',
    'start_date' => '2022-05-01',
    'end_date' => '2022-05-25',
    'description' => 'Parental Leave',

$indicators = new ScholarIndicators($impact_fields, $work_types, $impact_data);

$work_types_num = $indicators->work_types_num();
$citations_num = $indicators->citations_num();
$h_index = $indicators->h_index();
$i10_index = $indicators->i10_index();
$popularity = $indicators->popularity_sum();
$influence = $indicators->influence_sum();
$impulse = $indicators->impulse_sum();
$openness = $indicators->open_papers_percentage();
$paper_min_year = $indicators->get_paper_min_year();
$academic_age = $indicators->get_academic_age($paper_min_year);

$responsible_academic_age = ScholarIndicators::get_responsible_academic_age($academic_age, $rag_data, $paper_min_year);


Local Development

  • git clone this repository in a directory
  • add the following code to the composer.json of this extension:
    "minimum-stability": "dev",
  • add the following code in the composer.json of your main project:
    "require-dev": {
        "schatzopoulos/yii2-scholar-indicators": "@dev"
    "repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "[absolute-path-to-cloned-directory]"
  • run: composer update inside the root folder of your main project.
  • now your main projects should get live updates from the changes in the extension code.