
Amasty GDPR integration for ScandiPWA

v1.0.1 2021-08-17 12:02 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-06 00:04:06 UTC


Amasty GDPR integration for ScandiPWA


  • My Account page "Privacy Settings" tab gives the customer control over their privacy, just as the original Amasty extension
    • Download data
    • Anonymize data
    • Delete account
    • Manage consents
  • Adds consent checkboxes to the registration component, as configured in the Amasty admin panel
  • Replaces default checkout checkboxes with those configured in Amasty



  • Install the Amasty GDPR extension. Tested with version 2.1.1
  • Install the Scandiweb_GdprScandiPWA extension
  • Add the GdprScandiPWA extension to your scandipwa.json configuration


This extension uses the Amasty configuration. Consult the Amasty Documentation for configuration.


Since the default ScandiPWA theme does not implemente a "contact us" form nor a "subscribe to our newsletter" unlike Magento, this extension cannot automatically add consent checkboxes to these areas. If you have a custom implementation of these features, you can include checkboxes by following the steps described below.


Add a field to the GraphQl query of type [consentUpdate]!. Pass the value of this field to \Scandiweb\GdprScandiPWA\Helper\ConsentUpdater::processConsents, along with the GraphQl $context and $area (one of ["registration", "checkout", "contactus", "subscription"]).


Use the PrivacyConsentCheckboxes component to wrap the submission button.

            area={ /*<area>*/ }
            updateSelection={ /*<callback*/ }
            { /*<submit button>*/ }


  • Area is one of the constants AREA_REGISTRATION, AREA_CHECKOUT, AREA_CONTACT_US, AREA_SUBSCRIPTION from src/scandipwa/app/util/Privacy.js, representing the area you want to use the checkboxes from
  • The submit button (optional) is an element that should be hidden when the required checkboxes are not checked (will appear below the checkboxes)
  • The callback (optional) is a function that will be called whenever the user updates the checkbox selection. It will be given two parameters:
    • An object where the keys are the codes of the checkboxes, and the boolean values are true iff the checkbox is checked
    • A boolean parameter that will be true iff all required checkboxes are selected