
A system for inlining accesible SVG icons in WordPress themes

Installs: 18

Dependents: 0

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Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v1.1.0 2018-07-06 15:03 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-07 05:28:21 UTC


A system for inlining accessible SVG icons in WordPress themes.


  • Render SVG icons inline using a simple function call in your WordPress templates.
  • SVG icons are deconstructed and rebuilt in adherence to accessibility standards and guidelines.
  • A single config file is used to configure all SVG icons.
  • Choose whether to store SVG files in theme or plugin.



  1. From the command line navigate to your WordPress plugins directory.
  2. Run this command: composer create-project sb2-media/svg-icon-system.
  3. Change into the SVG Icon System directory: cd svg-icon-system.
  4. Run npm install.
  5. Run npm run dev.
  6. Run composer dump-autoload -o.
  7. In the WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins page and locate the menu item that reads “SVG Icon System.”
  8. Click on Activate.


Icon Folder Storage

You may choose to store your SVG icon files in this plugin or anywhere in your theme. The plugin will strip the files of all <svg>, <title> and <desc> tags and reconstruct them in adherence to accessibility standards and guidelines.


By default SVG icons are stored in the assets/icons folder in this plugin and then copied over to dist/icons when the Laravel Mix build process is run. Store your SVG icons in the assets/icons and run the command npm run dev or npm run production in the plugin's root folder if you wish to utilize the default behavior. npm run dev or npm run production must be run after adding new SVG icon files to storage.

The assets/icons directory contains a SVG icon file for demonstration purposes.

  • icon_menu.svg


If you wish to store your SVG icon files in your theme, simply change the value of the icon_folder_path in config/svg-icons.php to the path where the files will be stored. A few examples are given in the comments.


A single config file config/svg-icons.php is used to declare and configure the SVG icons. The configuration follows this convention:

    $icon_id => [
        'filename'              => $value,  // Required, MUST match the file name of the SVG icon
        'title'                 => $value,  // Optional but highly recommended for standalone, meaningful icons
        'description'           => $value,  // Optional but recommended for standalone, meaningful icons
        'viewbox_x'             => $value,  // Optional, will default to '0' if left blank
        'viewbox_y'             => $value,  // Optional, will default to '0' if left blank
        'viewbox_width'         => $value,  // Recommended, width must be set if left blank
        'viewbox_height'        => $value,  // Recommended, height must be set if left blank
        'width'                 => $value,  // Optional, viewbox_width must be set if left blank
        'height'                => $value,  // Optional, viewbox_height must be set if left blank
        'preserve_aspect_ratio' => $value,  // Optional
        'class' => $value,  // Optional, custom classes to add
        'style'                 => $value,  // Optional


  • The filename MUST match the name of the SVG icon file.
  • Standalone, meaningful icons should have a title and possibly a description set in their configuration. If a title (and description) is declared, the plugin will render the SVG icon with the aria-labelledby= attribute with a unique ID to link the title (and description) to their respective <title> (and <desc>) elements.
  • Purely decorative icons do not need a title and description. Leave them blank in the config and the aria-hidden="true" attribute will be added to the <svg> element instead.
  • Either width and height or viewbox_width and viewbox_height attributes MUST be set in the config. If only a width and height are declared, viewbox_width and viewbox_height will inherit their values. If only viewbox_width and viewbox_height values are set, width and height attributes will not be added to the <svg> element.
  • The preservedAspectRatio and style attributes are optional.


File icon_menu.svg

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<svg viewBox="0 0 20 16" xmlns="">
  <rect x="0.016" y="6.41" width="19.969" height="3.18" style="fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);"/>
  <rect x="0.014" y="12.656" width="19.969" height="3.18" style="fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);"/>
  <rect x="0.017" y="0.164" width="19.969" height="3.18"  style="fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);"/>

Config with the bare minimum set:

    'menu' =>   [
        'filename'              => 'icon_menu',
        'title'                 => '',
        'desc'                  => '',
        'viewbox_x'             => '',
        'viewbox_y'             => '',
        'viewbox_width'         => '20',
        'viewbox_height'        => '16',
        'width'                 => '',
        'height'                => '',
        'preserve_aspect_ratio' => '',
        'class' => '',
        'style'                 => '',


<svg class="icon icon-menu" aria-hidden="true" viewBox="0 0 20 16" role="img">        
    <rect x="0.016" y="6.41" width="19.969" height="3.18" style="fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);"></rect>
    <rect x="0.014" y="12.656" width="19.969" height="3.18" style="fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);"></rect>
    <rect x="0.017" y="0.164" width="19.969" height="3.18" style="fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);"></rect>

Config with all attributes set:

    'menu' =>   [
        'filename'              => 'icon_menu',
        'title'                 => 'Menu icon',
        'desc'                  => 'Three equal width horizontal bars stacked on top of one another to symbolize a menu',
        'viewbox_x'             => '0',
        'viewbox_y'             => '0',
        'viewbox_width'         => '20',
        'viewbox_height'        => '16',
        'width'                 => '20',
        'height'                => '16',
        'preserve_aspect_ratio' => 'xMinYMin',
        'class'                 => 'custom-class',
        'style'                 => 'color: red;',


<svg class="icon icon-menu custom-class" aria-labelledby="title-nYY desc-nYY" width="20" height="16" viewBox="0 0 20 16" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin" style="color: red;" role="img">
    <title id="title-nYY">Menu icon</title>
    <desc id="desc-nYY">Three equal width horizontal bars stacked on top of one another to symbolize a menu</desc>    
    <rect x="0.016" y="6.41" width="19.969" height="3.18" style="fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);"></rect>
    <rect x="0.014" y="12.656" width="19.969" height="3.18" style="fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);"></rect>
    <rect x="0.017" y="0.164" width="19.969" height="3.18" style="fill: rgb(51, 51, 51);"></rect>


Icons defined in the config can be placed anywhere in your WordPress templates with the get_svg_icon( $icon_id ) function call.

<button class="menu-toggle">
    <?php get_svg_icon( 'menu' ); ?>


SVG Icon System is licensed under the GPL v2 or later.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

A copy of the license is included in the root of the plugin’s directory. The file is named LICENSE.


Portions of this plugin uses code and concepts adapted from Carl Alexander and Tonya Mork's Fulcrum plugin.