Interval calculator to help sum up multiple time intervals and display the total elapsed days/hours/minutes/seconds

1.1 2021-07-19 01:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 09:44:57 UTC


Time interval calculator.

Allows interval to be summed up and provides easy access the number of seconds/minutes/hours/days included in the interval.


Using Composer:

composer require savvywombat/ahora



You can create a new interval as a new instance, optionally passing in an ISO8601 interval specification:

use SavvyWombat\Ahora\Interval;

$interval = new Interval();
echo $interval->seconds; // outputs 0

$interval = new Interval("PT100D"); // 100 days
echo $interval->seconds; // outputs 8640000

Alternatively, you can create an interval from a PHP DateInterval, or from an interval specification with the following static methods:

use SavvyWombat\Ahora\Interval;

$date1 = new \DateTime("now");
$date2 = new \DateTime("2018-01-01");

$interval = Interval::createFromDateInterval($date1->diff($date2));

// or

$interval = Interval::createFromIntervalSpec("P28DT6H42M12S");

Interval math

Once you have an interval, you can easily add a number of seconds, minutes, hours, or days:

$interval = new Interval();

$interval->addSeconds(60); // equivalent to $interval->addMinutes(1);
$interval->addMinutes(60); // equivalent to $interval->addHours(1);
$interval->addHours(24); // equivalent to $interval->addDays(1);

Adding intervals

It is also possible to add intervals together:

$firstInterval = new Interval();

$secondInterval = new Interval();


echo $firstInterval->seconds; // outputs 55
echo $firstInterval->minutes; // outputs 1

echo $firstInterval->realSeconds; // outputs 115

Subtracting intervals

Similarly, you can subtract an interval from another:

$firstInterval = new Interval();

$secondInterval = new Interval();


echo $firstInterval->seconds; // outputs -35
echo $firstInterval->minutes; // outputs -2

echo $firstInterval->realSeconds; // outputs -155

Units and factors

It is possible to inject additional units into the interval (such as weeks).

You can even modify or completely replace the units that the interval uses - with the limitation that one unit must be a multiple of seconds

$interval = new Interval();

echo $interval->days; // outputs 10

$interval->setFactor('weeks', [7, 'days']);

echo $interval->realHours; // outputs 240
echo $interval->days; // outputs 3
echo $interval->weeks; // outputs 1

$interval->setFactor('days', [8, 'hours']);
$interval->setFactor('weeks', [5, 'days']);

echo $interval->realHours; // outputs 240
echo $interval->days; // outputs 2
echo $interval->weeks; // outputs 4

Obviously, changing these multipliers can have some drastic effects on the interval's outputs.

$interval = new Interval();

$oldFactors = $interval->getFactors(); // [ 
                                       //   'minutes' => [60, 'seconds'], 
                                       //   'hours' => [60, 'minutes'],
                                       //   'days' => [24, 'hours'],
                                       // ]

    'microts' => [1, 'seconds'], // one unit must be related to seconds
    'arns' => [3600, 'microts'],
    'days' => [24, 'arns'],
    'cycles' => [360, 'days'],


echo $interval->cycles; // outputs 1
echo $interval->days; // outputs 40


Please report issues using the GitHub issue tracker. You are also welcome to fork the repository and submit a pull request.


Ahora is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).